Experiment to see what happens as seeds grow. What a week in second grade! It's been such a joy this week to watch the students dig deeper into some of the Old Testament. During Bible time, we briefly touched on the different judges, prophets, kings, and nation of Israel being split into two. I love the connection students have made between these people making mistakes and God still loving them. Just as we make mistakes and God still loves us! The kids have been working hard and I am so proud of them! Thanks for all the support you've given me from home this first month as well! I certainly couldn't do it without you! HOMEWORK: Your child's reading slip and math homework page are due Monday the 27th. Please return them in your child's Friday Folder, along with the homework folder. Monday (27th) your child will come home with their homework folder again. Inside will be... - A Math worksheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 4. Please remember to time your child on...