
Showing posts from October, 2021
Can you believe it's almost November?! Each one of the days we've spent together has been a blessing! This week was filled with energy and excitement as we continued to learn with each other after a fun fall break! We had a beautiful class conversation this week about the gift of salvation through JESUS, as we're learning about the parables. What a gift God's grace is! Colder Weather: With the cooler temps heading our way, please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Heavy coats, hats, gloves and boots when necessary are so helpful in keeping the kiddos warm during recess! Thanks for helping your child be responsible with this! Jungle Explorer of the Week: Hayden was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love playing with friends, gym, and math. Your favorite food is pizza! Your favorite place is The Lost City. We love that y...

Lord's Prayer

We have been studying the Lord's Prayer in Bible class this week and it's been such a gift to be able to talk to the students about prayer and why we pray.  We've also been learning about what the Lord's Prayer means and how Jesus teaches us to pray. What a blessing and comfort we have in these words from our Lord! We are all so thankful to be at a Christian School where our faith in Jesus grows deeper each day as we learn more about Him through His Word!  HOMEWORK FOLDERS: Your child's new Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Monday (Oct. 18) and they will be due Monday, Oct. 25.  - Bible: Psalm 23 was sent home last week. It is a beautiful psalm, keep practicing! WORDS OF THE WEEK: Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find, until, last, high, easy, next, pretty, more idea, soon Thanks for helping your child practice these words! Our spelling test will be on Wed. Oct. 20! Jungle Explorer of the Week! Lottie wa...
What a beautiful week it's been again. It's amazing to witness the intricate changes in season that our Creative God has designed and puts on display each fall! As we study life cycles in science, we are reminded that despite what's going on in the world around us, God remains constant and He is with us! What a comfort that is!  HOMEWORK FOLDERS: Your child's new Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Monday (Oct. 11) and they will be due Monday, Oct. 18.  - Bible: Psalm 23 was sent home this week. It is a beautiful psalm, enjoy learning and reviewing it all together! WORDS OF THE WEEK: Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find, until, last, high, easy, next, pretty This coming week's new words are: more, idea, soon There is a blue half sheet in today's Friday folder so you can keep it on the fridge and continue to practice reading and writing these words. This coming week we are finishing up our first set of...


Chapel outside- all about Sukkot! Thank you  Mrs. Engbers Class! Devotions and personal prayer time  in the Sukkahs. Fall is in the air! We are starting to see glimpses of God's power in the slight color change on the leaves! What an awesome God we serve! The students are learning each day in Bible to trust our all-powerful God. We are in awe of God's faithfulness to His people despite their unfaithfulness to Him. What a beautiful reminder that our God who changes the seasons also holds each of us gently in His hands. HOMEWORK: Your child's reading slip and math homework page are due Monday the 4th. Please return them in your child's Friday Folder, along with the homework folder.  Monday (Oct. 4th) your child will come home with their homework folder again. Inside will be... - A Math worksheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 11. Please remember to time your child on each half of the page and write their time in the side column. - A Reading Minutes sheet that will be du...