
Chapel outside- all about Sukkot! Thank you 
Mrs. Engbers Class!
Devotions and personal prayer time 
in the Sukkahs.

Fall is in the air! We are starting to see glimpses of God's power in the slight color change on the leaves! What an awesome God we serve! The students are learning each day in Bible to trust our all-powerful God. We are in awe of God's faithfulness to His people despite their unfaithfulness to Him. What a beautiful reminder that our God who changes the seasons also holds each of us gently in His hands.


Your child's reading slip and math homework page are due Monday the 4th. Please return them in your child's Friday Folder, along with the homework folder. 

Monday (Oct. 4th) your child will come home with their homework folder again.

Inside will be...

- A Math worksheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 11. Please remember to time your child on each half of the page and write their time in the side column.

- A Reading Minutes sheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 11. Remember the goal is 100 minutes. This can be your child reading on his/her own OR you and your child taking turns.

-New Bible memory-A copy of Psalm 23 to keep at home.


Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find, until, last, high. Look for the blue half sheet in your child's Friday Folder.

This coming week's new words are: easy, next, pretty


We are starting to learn Psalm 23. A copy to keep at home will be sent home in the homework folder on Monday. Please continue to practice this at home. Our goal is to have this completely memorized by the end of the month.


Jungle Explorer of the Week!

Oliver was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love pickleball, playing goalie with your family, and your favorite food is pizza! We love that you want to be an artist when you grow up! Your favorite place is Heaven. You are so special to God and to us, Oliver, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!

Field Trip to Sassafras Ridge:

On Oct. 8 both 2nd grade classes will be going to Sassafras Ridge for outdoor learning. We look forward to using what we have learned about plants to see God's beautiful creation and see how plants can change this time of year. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for the day. We will be at Sassafras in the afternoon.


Our 30th day of school is Wednesday, Oct. 6. We'll have our next pocket day competition--come with your layers of store-made pockets! :) 


Oct. 4:Purple reading slip due, Math Homework due

Oct. 6:Pocket Day

Oct. 8: Library Books Due, Field Trip to Sassafras Ridge

Oct. 15: Report Cards go home

Oct. 18-19: Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4pm-8pm

Oct. 21-22: CEA Convention (No School)


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