
Showing posts from December, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Critter Barn Merry Christmas 2nd Grade Families! What an amazing week we've had together! We enjoyed the Live Nativity at the Critter Barn, we had a great chapel on advent and we learned about the JOY we have in JESUS, we put together snack packs for Hand2Hand and it was a blessing to deliver our snack packs to Hand2Hand and see how they bless others!  We also had lots of laughter and fun at our class Christmas Party! Thank you Laura Bindon for planning and putting together everything needed for a FUN class Christmas party! The boys and girls are so excited to tell you all about it!  Homework:  *There is no homework over Christmas   Break. Cozy up with some good books, and   just enjoy the time off!   Activity Booklet:   There is an activity booklet called the "The   Case of the Missing Elf" in today's Friday   Folder in case you hear the words "I'm   bored..." over break. :) Use it for travel or  ...
Christmas is right around the corner. It has been a busy, big week with pocket day, having a writing celebration, and learning about how other countries around the world celebrate Christmas! We have still found time to remember the reason for the season...Jesus! What a blessing to have the hope and promise that we have received from our Lord and Savior! May you enjoy this time of year with your families, and find time to reflect and bask in the blessings from our Lord! HOLIDAYS AROUND THE WORLD:  This week we had fun learning how Christmas is celebrated in Israel, Italy, Australia, and Germany. Next week, our Social Studies lessons will continue to cover how the Christmas holiday is celebrated in more countries. It's a fun unit where we can compare and contrast our traditions with others, and learn more about other cultures. Be sure to ask your child about the fun and exciting things that they are learning about from all over the world!  Jungle Explorer of the Week: Gerrit was...
  This week Mrs. Wyma taught the students about Advent. She talked about the great hope, joy, love, and peace we have that comes along with Christmas. It isn't about "hoping" for certain gifts and presents, but the promise of a Savior. Our God always keeps His promises, and He is faithful! What a comfort that is! Let's take time to slow down, and to reflect on God's goodness and faithfulness. We also started to work through our "Ann Voskamp Devotional titled the Greatest Gift" each day and we are gaining a deeper understanding of what Christmas is all about...JESUS! HOMEWORK: Next week we'll stick with the usual: *Purple Reading Slip and Math homework will be due Monday. New pages will come home on Monday and be due Monday, December 13. *Library books are due Friday, December 10. BIBLE MEMORY:  We have a long passage this month--the Christmas Story! We are practicing it daily at school, but please try to review it at home as well. This is such a grea...