Christmas is right around the corner. It has been a busy, big week with pocket day, having a writing celebration, and learning about how other countries around the world celebrate Christmas! We have still found time to remember the reason for the season...Jesus! What a blessing to have the hope and promise that we have received from our Lord and Savior! May you enjoy this time of year with your families, and find time to reflect and bask in the blessings from our Lord!


This week we had fun learning how Christmas is celebrated in Israel, Italy, Australia, and Germany. Next week, our Social Studies lessons will continue to cover how the Christmas holiday is celebrated in more countries. It's a fun unit where we can compare and contrast our traditions with others, and learn more about other cultures. Be sure to ask your child about the fun and exciting things that they are learning about from all over the world! 

Jungle Explorer of the Week:
Gerrit was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love biking, volleyball, and Legos, your favorite place is the cottage, and your favorite foods are watermelon and homemade ice cream! We love that you want to be a soccer player when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, Gerrit, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!


Next week we'll stick with the usual:

*Purple Reading Slip and Math homework will be due Monday. New pages will come home on Monday and be due Friday, December 17. No homework over Christmas break.

*Library books are due Friday, December 17.


We have a long passage this month--the Christmas Story! We are practicing it daily at school, but please try to review it at home as well. This is such a great passage to reflect on this time of year! We have made it through verses 8-14 so far this week. 


Our words from this set so far: does, friend, enough

Next week's words that we'll be adding in are: should, you’re, through.There is a blue half sheet in today's folder. Thank you for helping your child practice these words at home! 

Class CHRISTMAS Party:

Our class Christmas party will be the Friday before break. 

Please have your child bring in his/her "boy" or "girl" gift on Friday, December 17.

We ask that each boy come with one wrapped "To: A boy, From: _______" labeled gift, and each girl come with one wrapped "To: A girl, from _______" labeled gift. These will be used as a part of games and activities at the class Christmas party. Please limit the value of these gifts to $3 only. Even though you may be able to find a great deal on a higher priced item for only $3, it helps us avoid some difficulty if the value of each item is actually $3. It is not a requirement to participate in the gift exchange part of the party if you would rather not participate.

Parent Board Christmas Lunch:

On Tuesday, December 14 the Parent Board is blessing teachers with a special Christmas lunch. If you are able to provide coverage in our classroom and be our lunch helper from 11:40-12:10 would you please email me? Also, If you're willing to bundle up and cover recess duty, please sign up to reserve your spot! Thank you for your help in making this a special time for all of us at South Side!


Christmas Spirit Week: 

To get into the spirit of Christmas, we are going to have some fun, themed days our last week of school before Christmas Break, December 13-17. Here's what we (along with Pine Ridge) have planned: 

12/13   Monday: Christmas Socks

12/14   Tuesday: Christmas Sweater

12/15   Wednesday: Christmas Headgear (antlers, hats)

12/16   Thursday: Red/Green Day

12/17   Friday: Christmas PJs


Christmas Service Project: 

With Christmas approaching, we are excited to take part in a school wide giving project! We are partnering with Hand2Hand Ministries to put together Snack Packs. Our class is in charge of bringing in applesauce (pouches preferred).  We will be collecting these items on tables in the hallway by the gym from December 6-14, and we will hold our packing day on Wednesday, December 15.

Important Dates:

Dec. 13: Purple Reading slip due, Math Homework due

Dec. :6-14 Bring in applesauce pouches for Hand2Hand

Dec. 16: 2nd grade to the Hand 2 Hand Ministry site to drop off donations

Dec. 17: Class Christmas party, Library books due, Math and Reading Homework due

Dec. 20 - Jan. 2: Christmas Break


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