
Showing posts from December, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas 2nd Grade Families! What an amazing week we've had together! We enjoyed the Live Nativity at the Critter Barn, we had a great chapel on advent and we learned about the Love we have in JESUS, we put together snack packs for Hand2Hand and it was a blessing to deliver our snack packs to Hand2Hand and see how they bless others!  We also had lots of laughter and fun at our class Christmas Party! Thank you to Tami Schippers, Lindsey Brower, Jodi Genzink, and Lydia Genzink for planning and putting together everything needed for a FUN class Christmas party! The boys and girls are so excited to tell you all about all our adventures this week! Homework: No homework due after break! Library books are due though, and your child was able to check out extra books to have over break. Please make sure all books are returned after break! The kids cleaned out their lockers and their beach towels and maybe some missing sweatshirts and other items may be coming home!  Hot Lunch Me...
This week Mrs. Wyma taught the students about Advent. She talked about the great hope, joy, love, and peace we have that comes along with Christmas. She talked with the kids about what we hope for and that our hope as christians comes from Jesus and the gift he gave us. What an amazing gift! We have great hope as we wait for his return! Homework : We will not have homework next week. We will start again after break on the Tuesday(Jan. 3) we come back. Jungle Explorer of the Week: Ellery was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love crafts, singing, and dancing! Your favorite place is Disney Springs, and your favorite foods are popcorn, pizza, blueberries, and macaroni and cheese! We love that you want to be a P.E. teacher when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, Ellery, and we loved getting to know more about you this week! WORDS OF THE WEEK: Thanks for hel...
Christmas isn't about "hoping" for certain gifts and presents, but about a promised hope in our Savior. Our God always keeps His promises, and He is faithful! What a comfort that is! As a class we are taking time to slow down, and to reflect on God's goodness and faithfulness.  We have started to work through our "Jesse Tree" devotional each day and are gaining a better understanding of what Christmas is all about...JESUS!  HOMEWORK: Next week we'll stick with the usual: *Purple Reading Slip and Math homework will be due Monday. New pages will come home on Monday(Dec. 5) and be due Monday, December 12. *Library books are due Monday. *Blue half sheet coming home Monday with the first 3 words of our 3rd set. does, friend, enough BIBLE MEMORY:  Bible Memory is coming home today. Please work on it this month--it's the Christmas Story! We are practicing it daily at school, but please try to review it at home as well. Use it for devotions and other special...