
Showing posts from April, 2024

Kid Town 2024

  Happy Friday! What a fantastic week we have had in second grade! Kid Town has been a success and the students have enjoyed it immensely! We have seen wonderful examples of generous spirits and students who are polite and caring business boys/girls, and they have also been wonderful shoppers with a lot of patience. They have had a ton of fun learning about businesses and economics! Thanks so much to all the parent helpers who came in and were a banker so kids could get paid, glued items together, helped with ideas, ran stores, and helped us pack things up!! We could not have done it without all of you!!!! Your support is appreciated and we are so thankful for the wonderful, supportive community here at South Side!   Homework: Reading slips and math pages are coming home on Monday April 29. They will be due Monday, May 6. Words of the week will be coming home. -If you have extra time around the house some great things to practice are: Writing numbers up to 100 (watch for le...
It's here and it's in action! Kid Town "creating" has been a hit this week! It's been so fun to see the students use their God-given gifts and talents to make and create things. What imaginations they have! We've been working hard to create things for the "Trash for Cash" store, handing in homework to receive money, and today the students even had the opportunity to tithe from their own wallets! We are once again reminded why this is such a great couple of weeks in our Christ-centered school! It was such a neat teaching experience! All the kids at Sassafras! HOMEWORK: A new packet of special Kid Town homework is coming home today. NOTE THAT ALL KID TOWN HOMEWORK IS OPTIONAL, but will be a big part of your child's "income." It will work the same as last week SO PLEASE SAVE THE BIBLE MEMORY PAGE (new verses are on the back). Bible memory verses will stop after Tuesday and your child will only need to hand in the reading/math half sheets. ...
Welcome Back! We are so thankful for God's provision for all of us over Spring Break! It's been so fun to hear about all the different adventures that we had over break! God is good! Happy Easter to all of you! Our God is so amazing and we have spent time this week looking at how much Jesus loved us and we have finished up our Easter stories. It was so fun to watch part of the Solar Eclipse and witness an amazing event in our creation! We had the Living Hope Singers join us for Praise time today and it was so fun! They also sang a song for us! Click on the link below the picture to hear the Living Hope Singers!                                                       There are a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks with Kid Town and Tulip Time on the horizon! We are getting bac...