Chapel Week
Lots of hard work this week as we prepared for chapel. We had a little more work this week because of the snow days last week. We are wrapping up some units in Math and Writing and are looking forward to continuing to move forward in our learning. The kids rocked chapel and I hope it was a blessing for you! Check out the pictures at the end of the blog! Homework: Monday a new reading slip, math homework page will come home and be due- February 10. The math page will be some double digit addition work. *Psalm 121 will be sent home on Monday. Please practice this beautiful Psalm as a family! *Keep working on the words of the week, we will be having a test coming up in the next couple of weeks. Student Teacher: The students met Hailey Soderman today. She is going to be a student teacher in our class starting the end of February. The kids had fun meeting her and asking her lots of questions! We are excited to help her get ready to be a teacher! Jungle Explorer: Gabe was our special Jungle ...