
Showing posts from January, 2025

Chapel Week

Lots of hard work this week as we prepared for chapel. We had a little more work this week because of the snow days last week. We are wrapping up some units in Math and Writing and are looking forward to continuing to move forward in our learning. The kids rocked chapel and I hope it was a blessing for you! Check out the pictures at the end of the blog! Homework: Monday a new reading slip, math homework page will come home and be due- February 10. The math page will be some double digit addition work. *Psalm 121 will be sent home on Monday. Please practice this beautiful Psalm as a family! *Keep working on the words of the week, we will be having a test coming up in the next couple of weeks. Student Teacher: The students met Hailey Soderman today. She is going to be a student teacher in our class starting the end of February. The kids had fun meeting her and asking her lots of questions! We are excited to help her get ready to be a teacher! Jungle Explorer: Gabe was our special Jungle ...

Snow Week '25

Short week it is! Here is the updated blog for this week!  HOMEWORK: New homework will be sent home on Monday, Jan. 27 and is due Monday, Feb. 3. *Please practice Psalm 1 at home. *New words of the week will be coming home in the Homework Folder. *Make sure  ALL  library books come back next week please! Chapel: Our class is leading chapel on Thursday, Jan. 30. Mark the date! Chapel is from 10:40-11:10. We are excited to present our chapel to everyone!  100TH DAY OF SCHOOL: Friday, February 7 (if we have no snow days) will be our 100th day of school! But... I have a planned field trip to the Outdoor Discovery Center for that day and we will be gone all day. So we will dress up and have our fun 100's Day activities on Feb. 6. I have lots of fun activities planned, and one of them is dressing like we are 100 years old! (No wheelchairs or walkers though, our classroom just isn't big enough!) Don't feel like you need to go buy things...just get creative with this! I want...
The students are amazing and I am amazed at how much they have learned so far this year and they keep growing and growing! Our classroom community continues to grow close, just like a family. It has been so great to laugh together, support each other, and pray for each other. Thanks for being an active part of our classroom, and for supporting us in the many ways you do!  HOMEWORK: New homework will be sent home on Tuesday, Jan. 21 and is due Monday the 27th. *Please practice Psalm 1 at home. *New words of the week will be coming home in the Homework Folder. *Make sure  ALL  library books come back next week please! Chapel: Our class is leading chapel on Thursday, Jan. 30. Mark the date! Chapel is from 10:40-11:10. We are excited to present our chapel to everyone!  Jungle Explorer: Max was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like playing golf . We lo...

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everybody! I hope all of you had a wonderful and relaxing break, and that you also had some special moments to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and his amazing gift to us! It feels great to be back learning and growing with your child at school!  HOMEWORK: New homework will be sent home on Monday, Jan. 13, and is due back Tuesday, Jan. 21. *Psalm 1 was sent home on Monday. Please practice at home. *New words of the week will be coming home in the Homework Folder. *Make sure  ALL  library books come back next week please! Chapel: Our class is leading chapel on Thursday, Jan. 30. Mark the date! Chapel is from 10:40-11:10. We are excited to present our chapel to everyone!  Jungle Explorer: Georgia was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like playing volleyball . We love that you want to be a baby sitter when you grow up! Your favorite place...