Reading Blizzard!
We had a fabulous time with our Reading Blizzard! We enjoyed lots of fun things and read a lot of books! Mrs. Dykstra was our mystery reader and we had pizza and cupcakes as treats! Look for pictures throughout the blog. It was fun to have the Living Hope Singers join us for Praise today! They sang some songs with us, and sang some songs for us! They did a wonderful job and it was a blessings to see young kids and older kids praise God together! Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your child's life each day. It is a joy seeing them grow and change, and I find it hard to believe we are almost three fourths of the way through the year! Homework: Monday a new reading slip and math homework page will come home and be due- March 10. *Matthew 28 is coming home on Monday. Please practice this beautiful passage as a family! *Look for the blue paper in your child's Homework Folder with our sight words! Jungle Explorer: Brynley was our special Jungle E...