
Showing posts from February, 2025

Reading Blizzard!

We had a fabulous time with our Reading Blizzard! We enjoyed lots of fun things and read a lot of books! Mrs. Dykstra was our mystery reader and we had pizza and cupcakes as treats! Look for pictures throughout the blog. It was fun to have the Living Hope Singers join us for Praise today! They sang some songs with us, and sang some songs for us! They did a wonderful job and it was a blessings to see young kids and older kids praise God together! Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your child's life each day. It is a joy seeing them grow and change, and I find it hard to believe we are almost three fourths of the way through the year!     Homework: Monday  a new reading slip and math homework page will come home and be due- March 10.  *Matthew 28 is coming home on Monday. Please practice this beautiful passage as a family! *Look for the blue paper in your child's Homework Folder   with our sight words! Jungle Explorer: Brynley was our special Jungle E...

Snow Fun!

A wonderful week in 2nd grade! Students started reading non fiction books and are enjoying learning about God through history and his creation! We started brainstorming ideas for our all about books. Students worked hard on facts they already know so that we can then focus on what we need to research. Check out our pictures from Sassafras at the bottom of the blog! Homework: Monday a new reading slip and math homework page will come home and be due- March 3.  *Psalm 121 was sent home. Please practice this beautiful Psalm as a family! *We will start our 3rd set of  sight words next week look for the blue paper in your child's Homework Folder . Jungle Explorer: Gatlin was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you are good at soccer . We love that you want to be a painter or a soccer player when you grow up! Your favorite place is Soccer Spot and your favorite food is...


We had a fun week in 2nd grade! We had a Valentine's Party and welcomed a new student, Kaius!  What great days to share with our friends and classmates in 2nd grade!  We have so much to be thankful for and the goodness and love God showers on us is amazing!  God's faithfulness is evident each and every day! It's such a blessing to see the kids grow in their faith each day and know they love Jesus! Thank you for your faithfulness in making Christian education a priority for your family! It is an honor to  teach your son/daughter  each day!     Homework: Tuesday  a new reading slip and math homework page will come home and be due- February 24. We will be starting subtraction homework. *Psalm 121 was sent home. Please practice this beautiful Psalm as a family! *Keep working on the words of the week, we will have a test next Friday, Feb. 21. Field Trip: Our class will be going to Sassafras Ridge on Feb. 21 for the morning!  Reading Blizzard: The ...

100 Days of Blessings!

God is good! All the time! We celebrated 100 days of school this week and had the kids had a fun time! We ate our cereal together, had devotions and looked back on God's goodness, and then celebrated with a variety of fun activities. The students looked fabulous dressed as 100 year olds! What a blessing to be together! Pictures at the end of the blog. So thankful for friends at school who sent me pictures of the kids and all they were doin! Homework: Monday a new reading slip, math homework page will come home and be due- February 18. The math page will be some double digit addition work. *Psalm 121 was sent home. Please practice this beautiful Psalm as a family! *Keep working on the words of the week, we will be having a test coming up in the next couple of weeks. Jungle Explorer: Owen was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you are good at art . We love that you want...