First Week
We flew through our first week! Your child is learning the daily routines and settling in nicely! It feels great to have the classroom buzzing with excitement, curiosity, and eagerness to learn new things about our great God and the world he has placed us in! Thank you for sharing your child with me each day! We are going to try to keep this entry short and sweet with a few important things for you to note: HCS theme: ROOTED As a class this week we explored what our theme ROOTED means. We had great discussion on how our class can be rooted together in Christ and how we can support and encourage each other through out the school year. What a blessing to hear all the ideas our class came up with and the excitement to be a family in Christ! Bible Memory: With September approaching, we will be practicing Psalm 8, our September Bible Memory. A copy for your fridge will come home today. :) Please try to practice this at home. Remember that we will recite this together various way...