First Week

We flew through our first week! Your child is learning the daily routines and settling in nicely! It feels great to have the classroom buzzing with excitement, curiosity, and eagerness to learn new things about our great God and the world he has placed us in! Thank you for sharing your child with me each day! We are going to try to keep this entry short and sweet with a few important things for you to note:



As a class this week we explored what our theme ROOTED means. We had great discussion on how our class can be rooted together in Christ and how we can support and encourage each other through out the school year. What a blessing to hear all the ideas our class came up with and the excitement to be a family in Christ!

Bible Memory: 
With September approaching, we will be practicing Psalm 8, our September Bible Memory. A copy for your fridge will come home today. :) Please try to practice this at home. Remember that we will recite this together various ways at school, but it would be great to have the practice at home as well. This passage is being done K-12 to create a passionate commitment to faith and development of the whole school body.
First Chapel of the year!

Pocket Day:
Tuesday, Sept. 8 will be our 10th day of school, which means it will be our first Pocket Day. See if you can wear as many "store made" pockets to school as possible (no purses or fanny packs). We are competing against the other 2nd grade class! Layer up those pockets if you can handle the heat!

Please make sure to return your child's Baton to school by Sept. 2.  New families, you will receive a Baton for your child at the end of this year. 

In your child's Friday Folder is a subscription yellow paper for the HightLights magazine for kids. You are welcome to purchase a subscription if you would like. These are great magazines for kids! If you don't want to purchase a subscription that is totally fine. Please sign and send back the paper either way.  If you would sign the paper and send it back on Mon. Aug. 30 that would be helpful.

We are all busy settling in to new routines, from school to soccer practices, etc. so we will ease into the year together. We recognize that families are busy with Labor Day weekend plans as well, so we'll start Reading and Math Homework after Labor Day.

Please try to remember to have your child have BOTH indoor and outdoor shoes. We are giving grace this first week but we do need to make this a priority! Thank you!

*THANK YOU for your love, prayers, and support as we begin this new school year together! I am so blessed to spend each day with your child!

Important Dates:
Aug. 30: Return Friday Folders
Sept.: 2-Batons due back to school
Sept. 3 & 6: No School: Labor Day Weekend
Sept. 8: Pocket Day 
Sept. 15: Walk-a-thon
Sept. 22-23: South Side Picture Day-more info coming later


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