Thankful for all we have!
Heaven. Stars. Family. Bible. Jesus. Friends. Teachers. A warm house. My grandparents. My dog. My mom. My Dad. School. The beach. The sun. Snow. Fall. These are a few of the things that have spilled out of your child's heart as we have been reflecting on having a thankful heart over the last few weeks in our Gratitude Journals. God is SO good, isn't He?! It is truly a blessing having the opportunity to partner with you each day. Thanks for your love, support, and prayers for our classroom. I am thankful for YOU, for your investment in sending your child to HC each day, and for partnering with me to help your little grow to know and love Jesus. SHORT WEEK AHEAD: We have a short week coming up! As a result, there will be no math homework or purple reading slip coming home next week. Continue to spend time enjoying books over break, but no formal homework will be collected. We have full days Monday and Tuesday, and no school Wednesday through Friday. Our current reading slip a...