
Showing posts from March, 2022
We have begun our lessons on Holy Week.  So far it's been a special experience learning and studying the Holy Week stories with your child. The conversations we are having are so meaningful. Ask your son/daughter what they've learned about our stories so far: Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem,  Jesus Cleansing the Temple, and Jesus' teachings in the Temple. We will learn some deep things together, and I look forward to these teachable moments to share God's awesome gift of love for us, and what it means as we learn how Jesus fulfilled God's plan of salvation! We serve such a loving Savior!   Conferences: I am looking forward to a special conference time with you AND your child this Monday or Wednesday! Remember, that these conferences are STUDENT LED and your child must come  with you. The students have worked hard in preparation for this night!  Be sure encourage them before and after the conference and acknowledge their hard work!      This ...
It's been a great week in second grade! We have enjoyed the change in the weather and are ready for winter to be over. The students are ready for recesses that allow them to have "no coats". They are working hard on getting ready for their student led conferences and are getting excited to share that special time with you. Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your child's life each day. I enjoy seeing them grow and change and find it hard to believe we are three fourths of the way through the year!   Homework:   *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, March 21, 2022.  *On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Monday, March 28.  * Keep working on our Bible Memory of Matthew 28! -If you have extra time around the house some great things to practice are: Writing numbers up to 100 (watch for letter/number reversals!), trying some triple digit subtraction problems, and counting piles of spare change! WORDS OF THE WEEK ...
Happy Friday! We had a fun week, and it has been an absolute joy to reflect on the miracles of Jesus with your child during Bible. We're learning about how Jesus has power over sickness, death, Satan, and Nature. What a comfort that is in the midst of uncertainties in our world. It's crazy that we are wrapping up quarter 3 already! Time flies when you're having fun!   Homework:   *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, March 14, 2022.  *On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Monday, March 21.  * Keep working on our Bible Memory of Matthew 28! -If you have extra time around the house some great things to practice are: Writing the upper and lowercase alphabet as neat as you can, writing numbers up to 100 (watch for letter/number reversals!), trying some triple digit subtraction problems, and counting piles of spare change! WORDS OF THE WEEK : Thanks for helping your child practice these words at home: while, themselves,...
  It's been a great week in second grade! We have enjoyed the change in the weather and are ready for winter to be over. The students are ready for recesses that allows them "no coats"! The sun has been a wonderful addition to our days! Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your child's life each day. It is a joy seeing them grow and change, and I find it hard to believe we are almost three fourths of the way through the year!   Homework:   *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, March 7, 2022.  *On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Monday, March 14.  -If you have extra time around the house some great things to practice are: Writing the upper and lowercase alphabet as neat as you can, writing numbers up to 100 (watch for letter/number reversals!), trying some triple digit subtraction problems, and counting piles of spare change! WORDS OF THE WEEK : Thanks for helping your child practice these words at hom...