We have begun our lessons on Holy Week. So far it's been a special experience learning and studying the Holy Week stories with your child. The conversations we are having are so meaningful. Ask your son/daughter what they've learned about our stories so far: Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, Jesus Cleansing the Temple, and Jesus' teachings in the Temple. We will learn some deep things together, and I look forward to these teachable moments to share God's awesome gift of love for us, and what it means as we learn how Jesus fulfilled God's plan of salvation! We serve such a loving Savior!
I am looking forward to a special conference time with you AND your child this Monday or Wednesday! Remember, that these conferences are STUDENT LED and your child must come with you. The students have worked hard in preparation for this night! Be sure encourage them before and after the conference and acknowledge their hard work!This is such an awesome time of celebrating the 2nd grade growth that we've seen, and also coming together to challenge your child in the last few months of 2nd grade. One question your child will ask you at conferences will be, "Mom & Dad, what do you think I'm good at?" Think about this ahead of time, and come ready with a mental list of some of the ways that you want to encourage your child in the special way God has created him/her to be!
- There will be no math homework and no official reading slip next week, but please be sure to continue to enjoy books this week and during Spring Break!!
- Please continue to practice the Easter Bible Memory (Matthew 28:1-10) at home with your child! We will finish this up this week before Spring Break.
- Our April Bible Memory, Acts 2:1-4 will come home the first Monday we're back from break. We'll start it after Spring Break.
Words of the Week:
Our first three words from our final set were: really, understand, question.
Our 3 new words this coming week are: against, old, happen
Our final test will be later after Spring Break.
Kid Town is right around the corner, at the end of April! It’s a fun Social Studies program where we create products and earn “money” for one week, and then the following week we get to work at various businesses (these will be set up in our school gym—a Pizza Parlor, Pet Store, Post Office, Recycling Shop, etc) and shop at the businesses. AFTER SPRING BREAK, April 11-15 we need students to bring in any (cleaned out) recyclables, wood scraps, or scrap art materials from home! We will be collecting them in the back of our classroom on those dates. A letter containing more information is in your child's Friday Folder.
April 18-22 will be our creating week where we will design items to sell! The week after that, April 25-29 will be our Kid Town week where the gym is set up as stores. We are SO excited to make this happen for the 2nd graders!! We'll need your help from home, encouraging your child to be responsible and get his/her daily homework done in order to earn the money to spend at Kid Town! We will also need some help from parents who are able and a sign up genius will be sent home after Spring Break for several ways to help! Thanks!
Monday, March 28 - ROCK DAY: The children will be engaged in decorating a rock to show off who they are as a "Rock Star Reader." They have ‘rock star’ status as a reader who has worked hard to grow their reading this year!
Tuesday, March 29 - FAVORITE BOOK DAY: The children will be engaged in making a book cover of their favorite book and then displaying it on their locker. Once all of the posters are up, we will have a book parade through the halls to see everyone's favorite books!
Wednesday, March 30 - READ A T-SHIRT DAY - Please help your child find a t-shirt that has one or several words on it so that we can read each other's t-shirts. We will also have a visit with Ann Pott from the Herrick District Library for a story and to hear more about our amazing public library!
Thursday, March 31 - CAMP-OUT DAY - Your child is welcome to bring a blanket to make a tent to read in today. We know that it can get dark in those tents, so each child will be gifted with a flashlight to make reading even more fun and enjoyable.
Thank you for encouraging your child to build his/her reading skills by reading each and every night! This time practicing now will have life-long benefits! Thank you!!
Mar. 21: Math Homework due, Reading Slips due
Mar. 25: Library books due
Mar. 28: Rock Star Day and Conferences 4-8pm
Mar. 29: Favorite Book Cover Day
Mar. 30: Read a t-shirt Day- Wear a t-shirt your friends can read and Conferences 4-8pm
Mar. 31: Camp Out Day- bring a blanket
April 1-10: Spring Break
Apr. 11: Back to School
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