
Showing posts from October, 2022

Fall Fun!

Can you believe it's almost November?! Each one of the days we've spent together has been a blessing! This week was filled with energy and excitement as we continued to learn with each other after a fun fall break! What fun we had on our class Pumpkin Day! Lots of learning and fun together! Thanks so much to the moms who came and helped out groups and those who sent in snacks and drinks! The kids loved it! Our class also had a great time at Sassafras Ridge with all the 2nd grade classes in the HC district! Lots of kids together and so much fun seeing friends and making new ones! What a fantastic day! Check out the end of the blog for pictures! We also said Good bye to our friend and classmate Cole K. We got to enjoy a wonderful fun last day together and we gave him a gift, and we prayed over him! We will miss him and his family!  Homework : Next week we'll stick with the usual: Purple Reading Slip will come home Monday (due Monday, Nov. 7) Math Homework Page will come home ...

Lord's Prayer

We have been studying the Lord's Prayer in Bible class this week and it's been such a gift to be able to talk to the students about prayer and why we pray.  We've also been learning about what the Lord's Prayer means and the what those words mean when we pray them, and how Jesus teaches us to pray. What a blessing and comfort we have in these words from our Lord! We are all so thankful to be at a Christian School where our faith in Jesus grows deeper each day as we learn more about Him through His Word!  We had a fun visit from the 8th grade orchestra kids on Thursday! They played some songs for us and let the 2nd graders get up close to the instruments! They showed the 2nd graders how to play their instruments and then the 2nd graders played a song! Super fun! Look for pictures of this at the end of the blog. HOMEWORK FOLDERS: Your child's new Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Monday (Oct. 17) and they will be due Monday, Oct. 24.  - Bible: Psalm 2...
What a beautiful week it's been again. It's amazing to witness the intricate changes in season that our Creative God has designed and puts on display each fall!  We are reminded that despite what's going on in the world around us, God remains constant and He is with us! What a comfort that is!  HOMEWORK FOLDERS: Your child's new Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Monday (Oct. 10) and they will be due Monday, Oct. 17.  - Bible: Psalm 23 was sent home this week. It is a beautiful psalm, enjoy learning and reviewing it all together! -New words of the week are: more, idea, soon WORDS OF THE WEEK: Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find, until, last, high, easy, next, pretty This coming week's new words are:  more, idea, soon There will be a blue half sheet in Monday's Homework folder so you can keep it on the fridge and continue to practice reading and writing these words. This coming week we are finishing ...