What a beautiful week it's been again. It's amazing to witness the intricate changes in season that our Creative God has designed and puts on display each fall!  We are reminded that despite what's going on in the world around us, God remains constant and He is with us! What a comfort that is! 

Your child's new Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Monday (Oct. 10) and they will be due Monday, Oct. 17. 
- Bible: Psalm 23 was sent home this week. It is a beautiful psalm, enjoy learning and reviewing it all together!
-New words of the week are: more, idea, soon

Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find, until, last, high, easy, next, pretty
This coming week's new words are: more, idea, soon
There will be a blue half sheet in Monday's Homework folder so you can keep it on the fridge and continue to practice reading and writing these words. This coming week we are finishing up our first set of 15 words, so we will have our Spelling Test on Wednesday Oct. 19!

Jungle Explorer of the Week!

Joanna was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love playing on the monkey bars, reading, writing, and helping others. Your favorite food is pizza! We love that you want to be a scientist when you grow up! Your favorite place is visiting the museum. You are so special to God and to us, Joanna, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be the following days:
Monday, Oct. 17 from 4:00-8:00pm
Wednesday, Oct. 19 from 12:00-4:00pm
The link to sign up for conferences will be available until Oct. 14. There are some days it will be locked as High School and Middle School conferences may be taking place. Please check back to the email you received to first sign up if you have any questions.
I am looking forward to meeting with you, and celebrating all your child has accomplished in 2nd grade so far, and discussing ways we can continue to challenge your child this year! 

Report Cards:
PowerSchool/Report Card Viewing 
Report cards will be available Friday, October 14 at 4:00pm via PowerSchool. Login information was handed out on Ice Cream Social night. If you have misplaced it, or if you are having issues logging into PowerSchool, please contact Mrs. Ritsema in the office by emailing jritsema@hollandchristian.org so your account will be ready to view your child's report card. 

You will be able to access Report Card information in two ways through the Parent PowerSchool Portal. One way is by clicking "Grades and Attendance" in the left navigation (typically the first screen you'll see) and then clicking the tab "Standards Grades" in the main screen. The other way is to click the "K-5 Report Cards" in the left navigation. This one takes longer to load but will show everything.

Important Dates:

Oct. 10: Math Homework due, Reading slips due, Library books due

Oct. 14: Report Cards go live

Oct. 17 & 19: Conferences- 17th from 4-8pm and 19th from 12:00-4;00pm

Oct. 19: 1st- 15 Sight Words Test, 1/2 day of school

Oct. 20 &21: No School CEA Convention

Nov. 2: Picture Retake Day


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