Field Trip Week!
This will be the last blog update for the school year! I might just post some end of the year pictures on the last day! We had a fun time on our field trip to the Cappon House and the Settler's House and then lunch at Smallenberg Park! Lots of fun with Field Day and a wonderful time on trip to the John Ball Zoo! Check out all the pictures of our fun week at the end of the blog! I am so thankful for your love and support during this year! Your encouragement has blessed me so much...thank you. Thanks too, for entrusting your children under my care...they have been a joy to teach! Summer Packets: I have summer packets available for your child to keep up with reading and math skills over the summer. These will be coming home next week Friday on our last day of school. Lots of fun activities to use over the summer! I have also included a note about your child's reading level and what to expect and look for as they read over the summer. Jungle Explorer: Flynn was our special Jungle ...