100 Days of God's Goodness
God is so good! We celebrated 100 days of school this week and had a fun time! We ate our cereal together, had devotions and looked back on God's goodness, and then celebrated with a variety of fun activities. The students looked fabulous dressed as
100 year olds! What a blessing to be together! Enjoy a few pics from our celebration throughout the blog!
*Current reading and math pages are due Monday, Feb.14, 2022.
*On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Tuesday, Feb. 22 because of no school on Monday February 21.
*Keep Practicing Psalm 121 together at home.
Thanks for helping your child practice these words at home: while, themselves, without. Our new words for next week are: probably, yourself, near. Look for the blue sheet in your child's Friday Folder.
Please make sure to go back and practice words that your child has had trouble with in the past.
Reading Blizzard:
The 2nd graders love to celebrate reading! One way that we will do that this year is by having a "READING BLIZZARD" during the school day on Wednesday, February 16. The students can come to school in their pajamas, and they may also bring a pillow, blanket, and a stuffed animal. We will spend a large part of the day reading, hearing stories from special guests, enjoying pizza together, and doing a variety of other fun reading/blizzard themed things!
We are going to celebrate Valentine's Day with a small party on Monday, Feb. 14. If you choose to fill out cards be sure to do it for the whole class OR all of the students with the same gender as your child so we don't have any hurt feelings. Candy/treats are also ok as long as they are packaged things. Thanks!
Feb. 14: Purple Reading slip due, Math Homework due
Feb. 14: Valentines Day Party
Feb. 16: Reading Blizzard
Feb. 18: Library books due
Feb. 21: No School- Teachers have PD
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