He is Risen!
Welcome Back! We are so thankful for God's provision for all of us over Spring Break! It's been so fun to hear about all the different adventures that we had over
break! God is good!
Happy Easter to all of you! Our God is so amazing and we have spent time this week looking at how much Jesus loved us! Our Bible stories have led us to the cross and this weekend we get to see how Jesus conquered the grave by rising on Sunday morning! What a Savior!
There are a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks with Kid Town! We are getting back into the swing of things, and we look forward to the wonderful things to come yet this year.
break! God is good!
Happy Easter to all of you! Our God is so amazing and we have spent time this week looking at how much Jesus loved us! Our Bible stories have led us to the cross and this weekend we get to see how Jesus conquered the grave by rising on Sunday morning! What a Savior!
There are a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks with Kid Town! We are getting back into the swing of things, and we look forward to the wonderful things to come yet this year.
Grandparents Day:
April 22 8:15-9:45 for K-2nd grade at South Side. Grandparents can start joining kids in their rooms at 8:45.
We are excited to celebrate our learning with our grandparents/grandfriends.
Also please check out the link for information about parking for our special day next week!
Spring Program:
April 21 at 7:00 at Central Wesleyan Church 446 W. 40th Street, Holland, MI 49423 More details to follow.
Homework Reminders:
- *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, April 18, 2022. Along with your child's first pages of Kid Town Homework.
*Today in your child's Friday Folder, is your child's first set of Kid Town Homework. This packet contains your child's work for the week of April 18-22. It includes information about how Kid Town Homework goes. Kid Town Homework is for each day. Your child is responsible for returning a reading and math slip each day memorizing a Bible memory to say each day, to earn money for Kid Town. This Homework is optional but will make a difference in how much money they earn for each week. Reading slips must be signed by a parent to count towards their earnings. Next Friday we will send home the Homework Packet for the week of April 25-29.
* Keep working on our Bible Memory of Acts 2:1-4!
Book Order:
A Scholastic Book Order is coming home in your child's Friday Folder today. Check out the great selection they have and if you would like to place an order please do so by April 27! I have heard from other teachers that orders are coming much QUICKER than last Fall.
Words of the Week:
Our words from our final set were: really, understand, question, against, old, happen, several, someone, slowly
Our 3 new words this coming week are: follow, better, since
Kid Town:
Kid Town is right around the corner, at the end of April! It’s a fun Social Studies program where we create products and earn “money” for one week, and then the following week we get to work at various businesses (these will be set up in our school gym—a Pizza Parlor, Pet Store, Post Office, Recycling Shop, etc) and shop at the businesses.
April 18-22 will be our creating week where we will design items to sell! The week after that, April 25-29 will be our Kid Town week where the gym is set up as stores. We are SO excited to make this happen for the 2nd graders!! We'll need your help from home, encouraging your child to be responsible and get his/her daily homework done in order to earn the money to spend at Kid Town! We will also need some help from parents who are able and the link for sign up genius in below in case you still want to join us!
April 18: Math Homework and Reading Slips due, 1st set of Kid Town Homework
April 21: Spring Program
April 22: Grandparents/Friends Day
April 22: Library books due
April 27: Book Orders due
April 25-29: Kid Town week in the gym
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