Happy Friday! How are we in the final stretch of school, approaching our last 9 days together? We still have lots of fun things to pack into our time together. God is SO good--we have SO much to celebrate!
This week was the LAST week for math homework! Thanks for helping and guiding your children in this throughout the year! Final reading slips and math homework are due this MONDAY, May 23!
Tuesday, May 31 will be a special day in 2nd grade. It's MOVING UP DAY! This means that your child will get an opportunity to visit Pine Ridge, meet next year's 3rd grade teachers, and go on a school tour. This has always been a great experience in the past, and it helps settle the nervous butterflies that students may have about the changes to a new building. I'm sure you'll hear lots of great stories about the students' visit!
All books were due by Friday, May 13. If you still have books "overdue" in the computer system, a printout was sent home with your child in last week's Friday Folder. Please try to return them ASAP, or pay for the replacement. Contact Mary Hofman if you have any questions. Use cash or check made out South Side Christian Library. Thanks for helping us keep our library stocked!
This is the day we do a lot of our cleaning in the classroom. Please send a reusable bag with your child's name on it so he/she will have a place to collect all the treasures that have been stored up! :) Please have it to school by June 1.
Mark your calendars! On the last day of school, June 3, there will be a special "goodbye" chapel for the 2nd graders from about 10:30-11:15am. This will be a beautiful time where we come together as students, teachers and parents and thank God for the gift of South Side and ask His blessing on the 2nd graders as they move on to Pine Ridge! We're planning this as an outdoor chapel, so pray for great weather and bring your lawn chair! It's always a special time to gather to celebrate our sweet 2nd graders, and we hope you'll be able to make it!
Dismissal will follow shortly at 11:30.
May 23: Holland History Field Trip, Last Math Homework and Reading slips due
May 27: Memorial Day - No School
May 31: Movin' Up Day
June 1: Field day!
June 3: Last Day of school -1/2 day, Chapel at 10:30, 11:30am dismissal
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