Fall has arrived

What a week in second grade! It's been such a joy this week to watch the students dig
deeper into some of the Old Testament. During Bible time, we briefly touched on the different judges, prophets, kings, and nation of Israel being split into two. I love the connection students have made between these people making mistakes and God still loving them. Just as we make mistakes and God still loves us! The kids have been working hard
and I am so proud of them! Thanks for all the support you've given me from home this first month as well! I certainly couldn't do it without you! 


Friday Praise time!

Your child's current reading slip and math homework pages are due Monday the 26th. Please return them in your child's Friday Folder, along with the Homework folder. 

Monday (26th) your child will come home with their homework folder again.

Inside will be...

- A Math worksheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 3. Please remember to time your child on each half of the page and write their number correct in the side column.

- A Reading Minutes sheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 3. Remember the goal is 100 minutes. This can be your child reading on his/her own OR you and your child taking turns.

- Blue 1/2 sheet with your child's next three words of the week- until, last, high


Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find. Look for the blue half sheet in your child's Homework Folder.

This coming week's new words are: until, last, high


We are continuing to practice Psalm 8 and the students are doing really well. Please continue to practice this at home. Our goal is to have this completely memorized by the end of the month. We are almost there!


Book Orders:

Book orders are coming home this week. Scholastic has many great books! Please place your order by Oct. 5 if you are interested. Doing some early Christmas shopping? Please let me know and I can keep the books a secret for you! Thanks!

Lunch Helpers:

Looking for parents who would like to come in and help cover lunch in the classroom on Wednesdays. If you are able, sign up with the link below! Thanks for your help! I've had kids asking when parents can come in and be in our room. :)


Jungle Explorer of the Week!

Connor was our special Jungle of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love driving tractors, feeding your cows, playing outside, and hugging your dad. Your favorite food is hamburgers! We love that you want to be a farmer when you grow up! Your favorite place is Sea World in Orlando, Florida. You are so special to God and to us, Connor, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!

Reading and Writing:
Just and FYI, due to our large class size I wanted to let parents know that we will be receiving help in our classroom. Students may get help from Mrs. Schupe, Mrs. Haig, or myself. We are blessed to have willing hands and people to help the students grow this year!


Sept. 26:Purple reading slip due, Math Homework due, Library books due

Sept. 28: Walk-a-thon

Oct. 14: Report Cards go live

Oct. 19: 1/2 day of school

Oct. 17 and 19: Parent/Teacher Conferences: the 17th from 4-8pm, the 19th from 12-4pm

Oct. 20-21: CEA Convention (No School)


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