Thank you for sharing your child with me again this week! Each new day with your child's smiling face is a blessing, and I love seeing their passion and joy for learning while exploring God's creation. This week we got to study some more about different groups that were around when Jesus was born in Bible, added ideas to our stories in writing, and read accurately, fluently, and with expression in reading! We recognized Veterans Day and learned about this day, why we remember and honor those who served and those currently serving! Thank you for your service!

Next week we'll stick with the usual:
*Purple Reading Slip and Math homework will be due Monday, New pages will come home on Monday and be due Monday, November 21.  
*Keep Practicing Psalm 100
*Blue 1/2 sheet with the new words of the week.

Words of the Week:

Our words from this set so far: often, such, best, think, family, never, house, wait, same

Next week's words that we'll be adding in are: ask, again, each

You'll see a blue half sheet with these 12 words to practice in Monday's Homework Folder.

Jungle Explorer of the Week:

Reagan was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love playing with friends and basketball, your favorite place is Florida, and your favorite foods are grapes and pizza! We love that you want to be a D.J. when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, Reagan, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!


Nov. 14: Math and Reading slips due, Library books due

Nov. 17: 5th grade Buddies

Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving break

Dec. 2: Hand2Hand Information coming home for our Christmas Giving Project

Dec. 15: Field Trip to Hand2Hand to deliver items

Dec. 17-Jan. 2: Christmas Break


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