Waiting for the Messiah- this was our topic in Bible and how the Jews were waiting for the promised one! We talked a lot and learned some things about how waiting can be hard, and that in the waiting we have to continue to trust God and that he knows best. God is good and He is working each and every day in our lives even when we don't see it. We have talked about how we are waiting now, like the Jews, and have to trust while waiting-but waiting for Jesus' glorious return!
Next week we'll stick with the usual:
Purple Reading Slip will come home Monday (due Monday, Nov. 14)
Math Homework Page will come home Monday (due Monday, Nov. 14)
Blue half sheet with our new words of the week.
Our words from this set so far: often, such, best, think, family, never
Next week's words that we'll be adding in are: house, wait, same
You'll see a blue half sheet with these 9 words to practice in the Homework Folder on Monday.
Jungle Explorer:
Leland was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love playing with Legos and playing football, soccer, and baseball. We love that you want to be a Football player when you grow up! Your favorite place is Florida and your favorite food is pizza. You are so special to God and to us, Leland, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!
Winter is coming! Get ready to hunker down with a pile of good books. The Parent Board will be hosting a Book Fair at Pine Ridge the week of November 7 as a library fundraiser; all proceeds go to keeping the school library shelves stocked! Families are welcome to shop Thursday, Nov. 10 from 3-4:15pm and Friday, Nov. 11 from 11:15-12:15pm in the Pine Ridge media center.
Interested in helping at the Book Fair? Please check out our Sign-up Genius Link.
Children’s Advocacy Center Visit
The Children's Advocacy Center will be coming to do a presentation about body safety in our Kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms in November. Please check out this Children’s Advocacy Center handout for more information. You are welcome to attend the presentation with your child! Please contact the South Side office by calling 616-820-3535 or emailing jritsema@hollandchristian.org or pmeiste@hollandchristian.org to receive the date and time of the presentation for your child’s class, and to let us know that you plan to attend.
Nov. 7: Math and Reading slips due, Library books due, Book Fair at Pine Ridge
Nov. 7: Children's Advocacy Talk
Nov. 9: Lakeshore Story at Hope College
Nov. 11: 1/2 day of school teacher PD
Nov. 17: 5th grade Buddies
Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving break
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