
Showing posts from January, 2023
Another great week! The kids have worked so hard this year! We have been studying the miracles of Jesus and it's been so great to talk about how Jesus was teaching his disciples who he was through the miracles he performed. He was showing them that he was God. He calmed the storm by speaking to the wind and waves, and healed the centurion's servant by speaking, and through the faith the centurion had! How amazing! We spent some time with the Kindergarteners sharing our published stories and they shared their informational books. Lots of fun! Check out the pictures at the bottom of the blog! Homework:   *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, January 23.  *On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Monday, January 30. We be starting our subtraction pages. *Keep Practicing Psalm 1 together at home.    WORDS OF THE WEEK : Thanks for helping your child practice these words at home: does, friend, enough, should, you're, ...


A great class! They did a great job on their play! I hope all of you had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend! These short weeks go so fast. We had fun this week celebrating and remembering Martin Luther King Jr. and his accomplishments. The students did a fabulous job leading chapel on Wednesday!! I was so proud of them! Can you believe it? Our first semester is complete, and next week we will be celebrating our 90th day together! 100's day is right around the corner! Homework:   *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, January 23.  *On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Monday, January 30. We be starting our subtraction pages. *Keep Practicing Psalm 1 together at home.  REPORT CARDS:  Report cards are available to view today! Please take some time to look through this with your child and celebrate their growth and talk about how to work through their challenges. Remember that these standards are end of the ye...
   My friends may you grow in grace song! This week has been busy with NWEA assessments and preparing for our chapel. The kids have been working so hard and are excited to present our chapel next Wed. the 18th! The students are amazing and I am amazed at how much they learned so far this year and they keep growing and growing! Our classroom community continues to grow close, just like a family. It has been so great to laugh together, support each other, and pray for each other. Thanks for being an active part of our classroom, and for supporting us in the many ways you do! Martin Luther King Jr. Day :  Monday we will have off school to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Next week, we will have some conversations and lessons about the active work he completed in our world. We will look at how MLK Jr. brought kindness to the world around him and cared so much about people, rather than judging them based on what they looked like. We will talk about the call we have to love others....

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everybody! I hope all of you had a wonderful and relaxing break, and that you also had some special moments to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and his amazing gift to us! It feels great to be back learning and growing with your child at school! What a crazy week with all the snow days! I hope all of you stayed warm and cozy and enjoyed some fun family time together! HOMEWORK: Next week we'll stick with the usual: New homework will be sent home on Monday, Jan. 9 and due back Tuesday, Jan. 17, and the new Homework pages will come home on that Tues. because of no school on the 16th. *Psalm 1. Please keep practicing this with your child when you have time. It was sent home Tuesday, Jan. 3. *New words of the week will be coming home in the Homework Folder on Monday. *Make sure ALL library books come back on Monday please! *We have been working on double digit addition in class, and working on carrying/regrouping a new ten and new hundred as we add. If you have time feel f...