Another great week! The kids have worked so hard this year! We have been studying the miracles of Jesus and it's been so great to talk about how Jesus was teaching his disciples who he was through the miracles he performed. He was showing them that he was God. He calmed the storm by speaking to the wind and waves, and healed the centurion's servant by speaking, and through the faith the centurion had! How amazing! We spent some time with the Kindergarteners sharing our published stories and they shared their informational books. Lots of fun! Check out the pictures at the bottom of the blog! Homework: *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, January 23. *On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Monday, January 30. We be starting our subtraction pages. *Keep Practicing Psalm 1 together at home. WORDS OF THE WEEK : Thanks for helping your child practice these words at home: does, friend, enough, should, you're, ...