Welcome Back!

Welcome back everybody! I hope all of you had a wonderful and relaxing break, and that you also had some special moments to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and his amazing gift to us! It feels great to be back learning and growing with your child at school! What a crazy week with all the snow days! I hope all of you stayed warm and cozy and enjoyed some fun family time together!

Next week we'll stick with the usual:
New homework will be sent home on Monday, Jan. 9 and due back Tuesday, Jan. 17, and the new Homework pages will come home on that Tues. because of no school on the 16th.
*Psalm 1. Please keep practicing this with your child when you have time. It was sent home Tuesday, Jan. 3.
*New words of the week will be coming home in the Homework Folder on Monday.
*Make sure ALL library books come back on Monday please!

*We have been working on double digit addition in class, and working on carrying/regrouping a new ten and new hundred as we add. If you have time feel free to make up some problems for your child to practice at home! Thanks!

Discover South Side Night:
On January 10 families can come and explore South Side and see what we are all about!
If you can share/like on social media so that we can get the word out about our great school that would be wonderful!

Thanks for helping your child practice these words at home: does, friend, enough
Please make sure to go back and practice words that your child has had trouble with in the past. We'll do these words next week: should, you're, through.

We'll have some fun themed Wednesdays coming up in January/February to spice up these wintery days. 
These days will be as follows:
January 11-Crazy Hair Day
January 18-PJ Day
January 25-Sports Day - clothing only -no sporting equipment
February 1-Hat day

Lost & Found: 

The office is continuing to update our South Side Lost and Found Photo Album as items come into the gray tub in the office. Please check it out to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email one of the secretaries, Jenna (jritsema@hollandchristian.org) or Pat (pmeiste@hollandchristian.org), to claim your item(s), and we will be sure to get it in your child's backpack. 

Also, in December a pair of adult men's sunglasses in a case were found in the carpool lane during morning dropoff. If yours are missing, please stop in, email, or call (616-820-3535) the office to identify them and pick them up! 

Jan. 9: Library Books due
Jan. 10: Discover South Side Night
Jan. 11: Crazy Hair Day
Jan. 16: No school MLK Day
Jan. 17: Library books due, Math Homework and Purple Reading slip
Jan. 18: Our class leads chapel at 8:35 and pajama day
Jan. 20: Report Cards go live
Feb. 13-24:  Swimming Lessons


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