week we will be celebrating 100 days of God's goodness and faithfulness together! It's going to be a very fun day, and we will be sure to take some time to reflect back on how GOOD our Heavenly Father has been to us through out the year! Thanks for being active prayer partners of our classroom, and for supporting us in the many ways you do!  


*Current reading and math pages are due Monday, February 6. 

*On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Monday, February, 13. 

*New Bible Memory will be coming home today in your child's Friday Folder. Psalm 121


Thanks for helping your child practice these words at home: does, friend, enough, should, you're, through, ready, might, suddenly, couldn't, beautiful, special, either, thought, they're. Please make sure to go back and practice words that your child has had trouble with in the past. We will have a test on these 15 words on Feb. 10.

Jungle Explorer of the Week: 

Thandi was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with the class. We enjoyed getting to know more about you! We learned that you love to biking and playing with your cat Moon, reading and softball. Your favorite food is tomatoes. Your favorite place is South Africa and you want to be a singer when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, Thandi, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!


Monday, February 6 (if we have no more snow days) will be our 100th day of school! Where has the time gone? We are looking forward to celebrating 100 days of God's faithfulness together! We have lots of fun activities planned, and one of them is dressing like we are 100 years old! (No wheelchairs or walkers though, our classroom just isn't big enough!) Don't feel like you need to go buy things...just get creative with this! We wanted to give you a heads up so you can start raiding your Grandma's closets for some fun ideas!


We are going to celebrate Valentine's Day with a small party on Tuesday, Feb. 14. If your child would like to bring cards to pass out, there was a class list sent home a couple of weeks ago in your child's Friday folder on pink paper. If you choose to fill out cards be sure to do it for the whole class OR all of the students with the same gender as your child so we don't have any hurt feelings. Thanks!

I have linked a sign up genius if anyone would be willing to provide a treat or drink for our party on Valentine's Day. Thanks!

Reading Blizzard:
The 2nd graders love to celebrate reading! One way that we will do that this year is by having a "READING BLIZZARD" during the school day on Tuesday, February 28 . The students will come to school in their pajamas, and they may also bring a pillow, blanket, and a stuffed animal. We will spend a large part of the day reading, hearing stories from a special guest, enjoying pizza together, and doing a variety of other fun reading/blizzard themed things!

Swimming Lessons:
South Side and other HC schools will be participating in swimming lessons this year at the Aquatic Center. Our lessons will be during the dates of February 13-24. A white paper is coming home today with more information and a slip that needs to be signed and returned by Feb. 8.

Grandparents Day: Save the Date

Grandparents Day for Preschool-2nd Grade will be coming this spring! We are so excited to welcome our grandparents and grand friends to South Side the morning of Thursday, April 20. The only exception is Mrs. Grassmid's 3's Monday/Wednesday class - they will celebrate their special day the morning of Wednesday, April 19. More details will be coming as we get closer. Pine Ridge will also be having their Grandparents Day the same day in the afternoon.

Tulip Time

In 2018, Tulip Time reframed their mission statement, which now reads “Mission Statement: Welcoming the world into our community by celebrating tulips, Dutch heritage, and Holland today." To better align ourselves with their mission statement as well as with the goals here at Holland Christian, our HC elementary students will be given two options for dressing up and walking in the the 2023 Kinderparade. More details will be forthcoming as we get closer to Tulip Time, but we want you to be aware of the options well in advance of the Tulip Time season. All 1st-4th graders will be given the option of walking in either our “tulip” section of the parade or our “Dutch heritage” section.

  • If your 1st-4th grade student chooses to opt into the “tulip” section of our parade, your child will design and construct his or her own tulip to carry and then dress as a gardener based around our “Streams of Living Water” t-shirt. This gardener costume might include gardening boots and gloves, overalls, a wide-brimmed hat, etc. Anything you have handy at home that helps your child look like a busy gardener tilling the tulips will fit the part perfectly!
  • Students who opt into the “Dutch heritage” portion of our student body will wear their own Dutch costume and carry the parade props our students have carried in the past.

More details about logistics, costumes and timing will be coming soon. Don’t hesitate to email Erin with questions or wonderings at

Conferences will be coming up at the end of March (March 20 & 27 from 4-8pm). 2nd grade takes a different twist on conferences in the Spring--they are actually STUDENT LED. This means that your son/daughter joins us in conversation, and he/she leads the conference. We work hard at creating a portfolio and collecting work samples, and it is an awesome experience for you to see how your child has taken ownership of his/her learning this year. This means that all 2nd grade conferences are in person. As teachers and parents, we are able to encourage and pour into your child, as well as find ways to challenge him/her for the last quarter of 2nd grade. This is a very important time together, and you'll want to save the date. 
HC will be sending out an email for you to begin signing up. There will be times over the next few weeks when you cannot edit your time due to MS and HS conferences.  We are looking forward to this great time together!

Feb. 6: 100's Day, Library books due, Math Homework due, Reading slip due
Feb. 10: Sight word test
Feb. 13: Library books due, Math Homework due, Reading Slip due
Feb. 14: Valentine's Day Party
Feb. 17: 1/2 day of school dismiss at 11:30
Feb. 20: No school teacher PD
Feb. 13-24:  Swimming Lessons
Feb. 28: Reading Blizzard
Mar. 20 and 27: Conferences in person


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