What a great week! We have continued our Holy Week stories and the kids have taken to heart what Jesus has been teaching and preparing disciples for, His death and resurrection. Our meaningful conversations show the love and growth the students have for Jesus!
There is no homework for next week. Continue to read and memorize Matthew 28 as we will celebrate Easter over Spring Break.
We will pick up homework after break.
Report Cards are live today! Please check them out with your child and celebrate the growth that has happened so far this year!
Jungle Explorer:
Reading Rally Week- Our South Side Staff is eager to celebrate our growing readers!! To celebrate March is Reading Month, the staff has put together a special week (March 28 - March 31) to promote our growing readers. Here are the details and ways in which you can assist your child for our special days:
Monday, March 27 - FAVORITE BOOK DAY: Bring your favorite book to school. The children will be making a book cover of their favorite book and then displaying it on their locker.
Tuesday, March 28 - BEACH DAY - Bring in your beach towel and dress for a day at the beach. Shorts, Short sleeve shirts, and sunglasses or sun hats. (No swimsuits, please.)
Wednesday, March 29 - READ A T-SHIRT DAY - Please help your child find a t-shirt that has one or several words on it so that we can read each other's t-shirts.
Thursday, March 31 - COZY DAY - Wear your pajamas and bring a blanket and stuffed animal.
Thank you for encouraging your child to build his/her reading skills by reading each and every night! This time practicing now will have life-long benefits! Thank you!!
Skating Party
South Side/Pine Ridge Parent Board is hosting an all-school skating night at Rollxscape on Tuesday, March 28. Join us from 6-8pm for skating, fun and fellowship. Admission and skate rental costs are covered by the Parent Board. Concessions are available to purchase by families. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join the Parent Board
We have a whole host of ways for parents to help out, plug into the school community, and join our team! South Side/Pine Ridge have their own Parent Team, a volunteer group of dedicated parents that support the teachers and staff, raise money beyond the budgetary allowances for extra educational materials and equipment, and enfold new families into our school family.
We’re looking for more new members and helping hands next year! If you are interested in getting more involved with school and building new relationships with the Holland Christian family in this way, please email Tami Schippers or Emily Baker.
First and Second Grade Families: Tulip Time will be here before we know it! If you did not fill out our Quick 3 Question Tulip Time Survey yet regarding what apparel your child will be wearing for the parade, we need you to fill out the survey by Monday, March 27.
If you are choosing to be in the “Dutch Heritage” section, remember that you’ll need to wear a Dutch costume. The Tulip Time office is holding a Dutch Costume Resale on Wednesday, April 12 from 5-8pm at the Holland Civic Center You can find more information on this flyer from the Tulip Time Office. If you chose the "Tulip" section for the parade, you will want to make sure that you have your Holland Christian Streams of Living Water t-shirt ready to go.
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