Kid Town

Happy Friday! What a fantastic week we have had in second grade! Kid Town has been a success and the students have enjoyed it immensely! We have seen wonderful examples of generous spirits and students who are polite and caring business boys/girls, and they have also been wonderful shoppers with a lot of patience. They have had a ton of fun learning about businesses and economics! Thanks so much to all the parent helpers who came in and were a banker so kids could get paid, glued items together, helped with ideas, ran stores, and helped us pack things up!! We could not have done it without all of you!!!! Your support is appreciated and we are so thankful for the wonderful, supportive community here at South Side! 


Reading slips and math pages are coming home on Monday May 1 , 2023. They will be due Monday, May 8. 

* New Bible Memory will be coming home in the Homework Folder on Monday May 1!

Words of the week will be coming home.

-If you have extra time around the house some great things to practice are: Writing numbers up to 100 (watch for letter/number reversals!), double digit addition/subtraction problems, names of coins and amounts, and counting piles of spare change!

Words of the Week:

Our words from our final set were: really, understand, question, against, old, happen.

Our 3 new words this coming week are: several, someone, slowly.

Look for a blue half slip in your child'd Homework Folder on Monday!

Jungle Explorer:

Ava was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and
pictures with the class. We enjoyed getting to know more about you! We learned that you like to play/good at softball and making bracelets. Your favorite food is ice cream and pizza. Your favorite place is Tennessee and you want to be a dentist when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, Ava, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!


*Book orders came home last Friday. Please place your orders by Monday, May 1. You can place an online order (following the directions stapled to the flyers) and have access to ALL the books scholastic offers, or return the paper order form with checks made out to "Scholastic." Let me know if you'd like your order to be kept a secret from your child so you can use it as a gift, and I can set it aside.

Tulip Time

Wednesday, May 10 will be a full day for all students due to Tulip Time removing the Wednesday parade. On Thursday, May 11, our 1st and 2nd graders will participate in the Tulip Time Kinderparade. We will have a normal school schedule in the morning. Preschoolers will be dismissed at their normal time (11:15am) with no afternoon enrichment. Kindergarteners will be dismissed at 11:30am. All Kindergarten students will need to use carpool that day, as all buses are being used for getting students to the parade. First and second graders will remain at school, eat a sack lunch from home (hot lunch is NOT provided), have recess, change into their marching apparel (if they choose not to wear it to school that day), and be bussed to the parade route.

An information page and pick up slip is coming home with all first and second graders today. Please return the bottom portion of this slip to your child's teacher by Friday, May 5 so she has the contact information of the person who will be picking up your child at the parade. Thank you!

End of the Year Chapel

Save the date! We will have a special end of the year Chapel to send off our 2nd graders on the last day of school, Friday, June 2. Come gather with us from 10:25-11:15am for a time of worship together. We’ll be out on the playground, so bring a lawn chair if you’d like (if there’s rain we’ll move it to the gym).  After chapel, Preschool students will be dismissed, and K-2 students will have a quick 15 minutes to close out the year in the classrooms with their teacher, and their dismissal will follow at 11:30am.

Thank You

A huge thank you to all for supporting the 1st grade Rainforest Bake Sale initiative to raise funds to help save and protect these precious lands! Through your support, we raised $384.00! We feel so blessed by your support with this project--it's a great, hands-on way for us to teach our students about stewardship of this beautiful Earth God has blessed us with!

May Lunch Menu

Here is access to the May/June Lunch Menu

May 1: Book Orders and Library Books due
May 5: Purple sheet with information for the Kinder Parade
May 8: Purple Reading slip, Math Homework, ALL Library books due
May 11: Kinder Parade for Tulip Time
May 17: Convocation
May 25: Field Day
June 2: Last Day of School and special chapel for 2nd graders


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