Love for Jesus to the next generation!

What a great week in 2nd grade! We have been blessed with Grandparents/Grandfriends who love us and came to see us in our classes this week! So fun to see the beautiful relationships and the love between those we call family. God has blessed us with wonderful people in our lives and we can be so grateful for all our special relationships! Lots of creating and fun going on in our Kid Town stuff! The kids have worked hard and are ready for the action next week!

Check out this video of the kids singing!

It's here and it's in action! Kid Town "creating" has been a hit this week! It's been so fun to see the students use their God-given gifts and talents to make and create things. What imaginations they have! We've been working hard to create things for the "Trash for Cash" store, handing in homework to receive money, and today the students even had the opportunity to tithe from their own wallets! We are once again reminded why this is such a great couple of weeks in our Christ-centered school! It was such a neat teaching experience!


A new packet of special Kid Town homework is coming home today. NOTE THAT ALL KID TOWN HOMEWORK IS OPTIONAL, but will be a big part of your child's "income." It will work the same as last week SO PLEASE SAVE THE BIBLE MEMORY PAGE (new verses are on the back). Bible memory verses will stop after Tuesday and your child will only need to hand in the reading/math half sheets.


The BIG week has arrived! Next week we will have our town set up in the gym! This town will come alive from 12:30-1:30 each day. Please know that even if you didn't sign up to help, you are all welcome any day during the week to stop by and check it out between 12:30-1:30pm! :)

We have a few slots left if anyone still has time to come and help out, thank you SO much to those who have come in already! Huge help! We are so grateful for your support!


We would ABSOLUTELY LOVE any and all help on the final Friday of Kid Town, April 28, right after school to help clean up Kid Town. Any parents that can come and lend a hand would be SO appreciated! This is such a big project, and by the end of the week we are so grateful for extra helping hands! Please mark your calendars! :)

Words of the Week:

Our words from our final set were: really, understand, question, against, old, happen.

Our 3 new words this coming week are: several, someone, slowly.

Look for a blue half slip in your child'd backpack on Monday!


*Book orders are coming home today. Please place your orders by Monday, May 1. You can place an online order (following the directions stapled to the flyers) and have access to ALL the books scholastic offers, or return the paper order form with checks made out to "Scholastic." Let me know if you'd like your order to be kept a secret from your child so you can use it as a gift, and I can set it aside.


The office is continuing to update our South Side Lost and Found Photo Album as items come into the gray tub in the office. Please check it out to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email Jenna to claim your item(s), and she will be sure to get it in your child’s backpack. We will hold these items through Friday, April 21, and then they will be making their way over to Ditto. 

Also, we have a pair of adult men’s sunglasses that have been turned into the office. Please stop in, email, or call the office 616.820.3535 to identify and pick them up.


The South Side/Pine Ridge Parent Board has a variety of announcements. Please check out the South Side April Newsletter so you are informed! 


1st and 2nd grade families: Tulip Time will be here before we know it! If you did not fill out our Quick 3 Question Tulip Time Survey yet regarding what apparel your child will be wearing for the parade, you received a reminder email from Mrs. Ritsema. Please respond ASAP, as we’re starting to get our props ready to go!

If you are choosing to be in the “Dutch Heritage” section, remember that you’ll need to wear a Dutch costume. If you chose the “Tulip” section for the parade, you will want to make sure that you have your Holland Christian Streams of Living Water t-shirt ready to go.

Wednesday, May 10 will be a full day for all students due to Tulip Time removing the Wednesday parade. On Thursday, May 11, school will be dismissed for kindergarteners at 11:30am. 1st and 2nd graders will remain at school, eat a sack lunch from home, have recess, change into their apparel (if they choose not to wear it to school that day), and be bused to the parade route. More information will come as we get closer to the parade.

April 24: Kid Town Homework and Library Books
Apr. 24-28: Kid Town live in the gym
May 1: Book Orders and Library Books due
May 11: Kinderparade for Tulip Time


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