Welcome Back

 Welcome Back! We are so thankful for God's provision for all of us over Spring Break! It's been so fun to hear about all the different adventures that we had over break! God is good! Happy Easter to all of you! Our God is so amazing and we have spent time this week looking at how much Jesus loved us and we have finished up our Easter stories.

There are a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks with Kid Town, Grandparents Day, and Tulip Time on the horizon! We are getting back into the swing of things, and we look forward to the wonderful things to come yet this year. 


We are super excited to welcome grandparents back into our building for Grandparents/Grandfriends Day! They are invited to visit South Side K-2nd grade on Thursday, April 20 from 8:15-9:40am for a time of worship and classroom visits. Then Preschool 3’s T/TH class through Jr. Kindergarten will follow with worship and classroom time from 9:40-11:10am. Mrs. Grassmid’s M/W Preschool 3’s class will have their Grandparents/Grandfriends day on Wednesday, April 19 from 10:30-11:15am. We can’t wait to do some fun activities with our Grandparents, and to have them in our learning spaces! The Holland Christian Maroon & White Shop will also be set up during Grandparents Day if you’re interested in purchasing HC gear! 

PARKING: The left lane of our front drop-off loop will be reserved for handicap parking, and the right lane will remain as our student drop-off lane. Please plan accordingly for parking, as you might need to park on the neighboring roads and therefore could have to walk a bit to the main entrance.


Kindergarten-2nd Grade
8:15 – 8:30 Coffee
8:30 Move to gym
8:40 – 9:00 Kindergarten-2nd grade singing program
9:00 – 9:40 Classroom time

Preschool (T/TH 3s, 4s and Junior Kindergarten)
9:40 – 9:50 Move to gym
9:50 – 10:10 Preschool singing program
10:10 – 10:50 Classroom time
10:50 – 11:10 Playground time (optional for GP to join or leave)

Mrs. Grassmid’s M/W 3s class ONLY
10:30-11:15 Classroom time/Worship in the classroom


The Holland Christian Maroon & White Shop will be set up in the South Side entryway on Wednesday, April 19 from 2-4pm, and also on Thursday, April 20 during our Grandparents Day from 8:15-11:15am. Come and get some gear to show your school spirit!  

Homework Reminders:

- *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, April 17, 2023. Along with your child's first pages of Kid Town Homework- pink reading sheet and blue math sheet and 1 Bible verse to say.
* Keep working on our Bible Memory of Acts 2:1-4!
*Keep practicing our words of the week. Thanks for practicing: really, understand, question. Our new words are: against, old, happen
Monday a new blue slip will come home.

Kid Town Homework:
*Today in your child's Friday Folder, is your child's first set of Kid Town Homework. This packet contains your child's work for the week of April 17-21. It includes information about how Kid Town Homework goes. Kid Town Homework is for each day. Your child is responsible for returning a reading and math slip each day memorizing a Bible memory to say each day, to earn money for Kid Town. This Homework is optional, but will make a difference in how much money they earn for each week. Reading slips must be signed by a parent to count towards their earnings. Next Friday we will send home the Homework Packet for the week of April 24-28.

Kid Town is right around the corner, at the end of April! It’s a fun Social Studies program where we create products and earn “money” for one week, and then the following week we get to work at various businesses (these will be set up in our school gym—a Pizza Parlor, Pet Store, Post Office, Recycling Shop, etc) and shop at the businesses.
     April 13-20 will be our creating week where we will design items to sell! (Our room will be cleaned up for our special guests on Thursday.) The week after that, April 24-28 will be our Kid Town week where the gym is set up as stores. We are SO excited to make this happen for the 2nd graders!! We'll need your help from home, encouraging your child to be responsible and get his/her daily homework done in order to earn the money to spend at Kid Town! We will also need some help from parents who are able and the link for sign up genius is below in case you still want to join us!

Jungle Explorer:
Kendall was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with the class. We enjoyed getting to know more about you! We learned that you like reading, swinging, and you're good at puzzles, cards, and coloring. Your favorite foods are mac and cheese and pizza. Your favorite place is Legoland and you want to be an Artist when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, Kendall, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!


The office is continuing to update our South Side Lost and Found Photo Album as items come into the gray tub in the office. Please check it out to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email Jenna to claim your item(s), and she will be sure to get it in your child’s backpack. We will hold these items through Friday, April 21, and then they will be making their way over to Ditto. 

Also, we have a pair of adult men’s sunglasses that have been turned into the office. Please stop in, email, or call the office 616.820.3535 to identify and pick them up.


The South Side/Pine Ridge Parent Board has a variety of announcements. Please check out the South Side April Newsletter so you are informed! 


1st and 2nd grade families: Tulip Time will be here before we know it! If you did not fill out our Quick 3 Question Tulip Time Survey yet regarding what apparel your child will be wearing for the parade, you received a reminder email from Mrs. Ritsema. Please respond ASAP, as we’re starting to get our props ready to go!

If you are choosing to be in the “Dutch Heritage” section, remember that you’ll need to wear a Dutch costume. If you chose the “Tulip” section for the parade, you will want to make sure that you have your Holland Christian Streams of Living Water t-shirt ready to go.

Wednesday, May 10 will be a full day for all students due to Tulip Time removing the Wednesday parade. On Thursday, May 11, school will be dismissed for kindergarteners at 11:30am. 1st and 2nd graders will remain at school, eat a sack lunch from home, have recess, change into their apparel (if they choose not to wear it to school that day), and be bused to the parade route. More information will come as we get closer to the parade.

Apr. 17: Purple reading slip and math homework due, Library books, along with our Kid Town Homework sheets: pink reading slip and blue math slip
Apr. 20: Grandparents day
Apr. 13-19: Kid Town creating week
Apr. 24-28: Kid Town live in the gym


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