Our class had a wonderful week! We have been so blessed to be together these first
few weeks of school! The students are getting the routines and enjoy being together with their classmates. We have lots going on in each subject area, and have enjoyed learning about God and learning about how to live a life full of wisdom from James in Bible. We had a great morning at Sassfras Ridge, look for a couple of pictures at the end of the blog.

*We are continuing to practice Psalm 8, and we are up to knowing verses 1-3 somewhat well. Please continue to practice this at home.

*Your child's first reading slip and math homework page came home in your child's Homework Folder, this past Tuesday. 

-Math worksheet is due on Monday, Sept. 11. Please remember to time your child on each half of the page and write their total correct in the side column.

-Reading Minutes sheet is due on Monday, Sept. 11. Remember the goal is 100 minutes. This can be your child reading on his/her own OR you and your child taking turns. 

-A blue half sheet that had our first 3 sight words to work on for 2nd grade came home on Tuesday. Please practice these if your child doesn't know how to spell/read them. The words were: things, school, walk. 

We took an pre-test on all of our 2nd grade words and those assessments are coming home today. PLEASE remember this is to see what your child knows and help to know what to work on as the year goes. These words are for the 2nd graders to know by the end of 2nd grade.

Jungle Explorer of the Week:
We will start with our first Jungle Explorer next week! If your child is selected I will send home a note to let you know what to do along with your child's poster to decorate and the Guessing Jar to fill. So excited to learn more about each of our students! The students had fun learning more about Mrs. Dreyer this week!

Walk a thon:

Fundraising packets for the Walkathon are coming home with students on Friday, September 8. You’ll find an information page in each packet with more details along with the fun prize list! The pledge form and donations need to be handed in to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, September 20. The Walkathon will be on Wednesday, September 27. 

HC’s Homecoming Event is coming soon!

Friday, September 15th from 5-6:30 pm

Kickoff is 7:00 pm

Our Homecoming event includes dinner, bounce houses and inflatables.


**All preschool and kindergarten families are invited to attend for FREE through the RSVP form.**  RSVP HERE (Accepting RSVPs until September 6th.) 

Families with children in 1st-12th grade can purchase Homecoming tickets through our Athletics link - EVENTLINK - tickets include the meal, activities, and Varsity Football game at 7:00 pm. Take advantage of the Early Bird Ticket pricing $8 per ticket. Price increases to $10 per ticket starting Monday, September 11th.


We hope to see you out at this fun, family event! GO MAROONS! 

*Picture order forms are coming home today, and they are due by Wednesday, Sept 13. If you have multiple kiddos at HC, be sure to keep track of the pre-printed names on the order forms. Picture Day will be Wednesday, Sept. 20. IF YOU WANT A YEARBOOK, NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO ORDER IT! We need you to return the picture order forms even if you aren't ordering anything, and even if you are ordering online, as our photo company needs the paperwork for each student. Thanks!

Important Dates:

Sept. 11: Math Homework and Purple reading slips due

Sept. 13: Picture Forms due 

Sept. 15: Homecoming- Go Maroons!

Sept. 20: Picture Day and Walk- a -thon packets due

Sept. 27: Walk -a -thon Day


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