What a week in second grade! It's been such a joy this week to watch the students dig deeper into some of the Old Testament Bible stories and they have loved making connections of how God used  these events in each person's life to keep his covenant with his people.  The kids have been working hard and I am so proud of them! Thanks for all the support you've given me from home this first month as well! I certainly couldn't do it without you!  


- Our current Math worksheet is due on Monday, Sept. 18. Please remember to time your child on each half of the page and write their total correct in the side column.

- Our current Reading Minutes sheet is due on Monday, Sept. 18. Remember the goal is 100 minutes. This can be your child reading on his/her own OR you and your child taking turns. 

- Our current sight words are always, great, find. Please practice these if your child doesn't know how to read/spell them. 

Library books are due on Monday the 18th!

Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find. Look for the blue half sheet in your child's Homework Folder coming home on Monday.
Next week's new words are: until, last, high. A blue paper is coming home today with some ideas for practicing sight/spelling words in case you are looking for some fun ways to practice!

Jungle Explorer of the Week!
Parker was our Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like baseball, football, and dirt bikes, and your favorite food is pizza! We love that you want to be a police officer when you grow up! Your favorite place is the school. You are so special to God and to us, Parker, and we loved getting to know more about you this week! 

Walk a thon:

Fundraising packets for the Walkathon came home with students on Friday, September 8. There was an information page in each packet with more details along with the fun prize list! The pledge form and donations need to be handed in to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, September 20. The Walkathon will be on Wednesday, September 27. 


*Picture order forms came home last week and were due by Wednesday, Sept 13. If you have not returned your child's form please do so ASAP! If you have multiple kiddos at HC, be sure to keep track of the pre-printed names on the order forms. Picture Day will be Wednesday, Sept. 20. IF YOU WANT A YEARBOOK, NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO ORDER IT! We need you to return the picture order forms even if you aren't ordering anything, and even if you are ordering online, as our photo company needs the paperwork for each student. 

Important Dates:

Sept. 18: Math Homework. Purple Reading slip, Library books due

Sept. 20: Picture Day and Walk- a -thon packets due

Sept. 27: Walk -a -thon Day

Oct. 13: Report cards live

Oct. 16 and 18 is a 1/2 day of school: Conferences

Oct. 19-20: CEA Convention no school


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