Fall is in the Air!
Enjoy some pictures from our field trip at the end of the blog. We had devotions and wrote prayers in the woods. It was beautiful!
Your child's reading slip and math homework page are due Monday the 2nd. Please return them in your child's Friday Folder, along with the homework folder.
Monday (Oct. 9th) your child will come home with their homework folder again.
Keep working on Psalm 23! We are learning the first few verses already!
Inside will be...
- A Math worksheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 16. Please remember to time your child on each half of the page and write their time or number correct in the side column.
- A Reading Minutes sheet that will be due on Monday, Oct. 16.
Thank you for helping your child practice: things, school, walk, always, great, find, until, last, high, easy, pretty, next, more, idea, soon.
This coming week we will have a test on our first 15 words on Tuesday!
Conferences are in a couple of weeks! Looking forward to talking with all you! Please make sure to sign up if you have not already!
Pumpkin Day:
Our class will be having Pumpkin Day on Oct. 24! This is a fun day for the 2nd graders as we do many different things to learn about and do with pumpkins! We could use some volunteers for the afternoon! If you can help out please sign up using the link below! Thanks for your help!
If you have friends or family who are interested in learning about TRIP, or if you have more detailed questions about the program, we will be having another informational meeting on Oct. 12. at 6:30 in the high school Media Center.
Jungle Explorere of the Week:
Simon was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class! We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like soccer and tennis and your favorite food is stromboli! Your favorite place to be is Home! We love that you want to be a Lego builder when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, Simon, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!
Important Dates:
Oct. 9: Reading slip due, Math Homework due, Library books due
Oct. 12: Grandparents Day
Oct. 13: Report cards live
Oct. 16 and 18 is a 1/2 day of school: Conferences
Oct. 19-20: CEA Convention no school
Oct. 24: Pumpkin Day
Oct. 31: Field Trip to Outdoor Discovery Center
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