Grandparents Day

We had a fun visit from the 8th grade orchestra kids today! They played some songs for us and let the 2nd graders get up close to the instruments! They showed the 2nd graders how to play their instruments and then the 2nd graders played a song! Super fun! Look for pictures of this at the end of the blog. We had a super fun time with our grandparents/friends on Thursday! What a pleasure to see the beautiful connection between the generations! So much love to go around! The kids had so much fun being with them and singing for them!

Your child's new Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Monday (Oct. 16) and they will be due Monday, Oct. 23. 
Blue 1/2 sheet with our new words of the week

- Bible: Psalm 23 was sent home, it is a beautiful psalm, keep practicing!


New words of the week will come home on Monday, Oct. 16! We will start our 2nd group of 15 words with: often, such, best. Please make sure to work on these if your child has trouble spelling them correctly. 

Field Trip:
Our class will be heading to the Outdoor Discovery Center for a field trip about seeds and plants! We will be there in the morning no matter the weather! We will also be staying for lunch so your child will need a lunch as we will eat at the ODC!

Jungle Explorer of the Week!

Lydia was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like to play softball and soccer, and your favorite food is rice! We love that you want to be a doctor when you grow up! Your favorite place is School. You are so special to God and to us, Lydia, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!

No Jungle Explorer next week because of the short week.

Pumpkin Day:

On Oct. 24 our 2nd grade class will be having their Pumpkin Day! We will do some fun learning activities with pumpkins and make a fall craft. We are looking forward to celebrating fall with this fun day in 2nd grade. We are looking for some parent volunteers to help with our groups. If you can make it work we would love to have you! Check out the sign up genius link to come and celebrate with us! Feel free to dress in fall colors like: red, orange, yellow, or brown!

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be the following days:
Monday, Oct. 16 from 4:00-8:00pm
Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 12:00-4:00pm- Just a note these meetings on
Wednesday are virtual, but if you would prefer to meet in person please let me know and I would be be HAPPY to meet in person instead. I will send a link for the virtual conferences next week.  It will be  a Google Meets invitation and link.
I am looking forward to meeting with you, and celebrating all your child has accomplished in 2nd grade so far, and discussing ways we can continue to challenge your child this year! 
Report Cards are available today electronically. Please take time to look it over, and I look forward to chatting with you more about your child's progress on Monday or Wednesday at conferences. Please remember that the standards are end of the year goals, and your child has had a good first quarter in 2nd Grade! 

Fall Festival at Post Family Farms:
We will gather at Post Family farms 5-7:30pm on Thursday, October 26th. South Side/Pine Ridge Parent Board will cover the cost of entry, activities, donuts, cider, and a hot dog dinner. There will be a hay ride, corn maze, and the small pumpkin patch to visit as well as the barrell train and playgrounds. We hope families can enjoy an evening of fellowship with school and look forward to having  you there!

Other Notes:
On Wednesday, October 18, Holland Christian buses will be running on a half day schedule. We will offer after school transportation, including the northside shuttle.
Holland Public and Zeeland Public riders will need to find alternate transportation after school. 

The office is continuing to update our South Side Lost and Found Photo Album as items come into the gray tub in the office. Please check it out to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email the secretary, Rachel, to claim your item(s), and we will be sure to get it in your child’s backpack.

Important Dates:

Oct. 16: Purple reading slip due, Math Homework due, Library books due

Oct. 16 and 18 ( 18th is a 1/2 day of school): Conferences

Oct. 19-20: CEA Convention no school

Oct. 24: Pumpkin Day

Oct. 26: Fall Festival at Post Family Farms

Oct. 31: Field Trip to Outdoor Discovery Center

Nov.1 : Picture retakes

Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Break


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