Pumpkin Day

Can you believe it's almost November?! Each one of the days we've spent together has been a blessing! This week was filled with energy and excitement as we continued to learn with each other after a fun fall break! We prayed a lot for healthy classmates as we were missing many of them to sickness! What fun we had on our class Pumpkin Day! Lots of learning and fun together! Thanks so much to the moms who came and helped out with groups and those who sent in snack and drinks! The kids loved it! Check out the end of the blog for pictures of our week.


Your child's new Reading slip and Math homework are coming home on Monday (Oct. 30) and they will be due Monday, Nov. 6. 
Blue 1/2 sheet with our new words of the week.

- Bible: Psalm 23 was sent home, it is a beautiful psalm, keep practicing! We have almost memorized the whole passage!


New words of the week will come home on Monday, Oct. 30! We have started our 2nd group of 15 words! Thank you for practicing often, such, best, think, family, never! Next week we will work on: house, wait, same. Please make sure to work on these if your child has trouble spelling them correctly. 

Field Trip:
Our class will be heading to the Outdoor Discovery Center on October 31, for a field trip about seeds and plants! We will be there in the morning no matter the weather! We will also be staying for lunch so your child will need a lunch as we will eat at the ODC!

Children’s Advocacy Center Visit 

The Children's Advocacy Center will be coming to do a presentation about body safety in our Kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms in November. Please check out this Children’s Advocacy Center handout for more information. You are welcome to attend the presentation with your child! Our class presentation will be on Monday, October 30 12:30-1:15. Please let the office know if you plan to attend.

Picture Retakes

Picture retakes are Wednesday, November 1 right away in the morning. If you are choosing to have retakes, please return your picture packet back to school with your child, and email your child’s teacher to let them know that you want your child to have picture retakes. If your child was sick on picture day, or is a new transfer student, this is the time to have their picture taken.

Important Dates:

Oct. 30: Purple reading slip due, Math Homework due, Library books due

Oct. 31: Field Trip to Outdoor Discovery Center

Nov.1 : Picture retakes

Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Break


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