
Showing posts from November, 2023


  Heaven. God. Stars. Family. Bible. Jesus. Friends. Teachers. A warm house. Sunsets. My grandparents. My dog. My Mom. My Dad. School. The beach. The sun. Snow. Fall. These are a few of the things that have spilled out of your child's heart as we have been reflecting on having a thankful heart over the last few weeks in our Gratitude Journals. God is SO good, isn't He?! It is truly a blessing having the opportunity to partner with you each day. Thanks for your love, support, and prayers for our classroom. I am thankful for YOU, for your investment in sending your child to HC each day, and for partnering with me to help your little grow to know and love Jesus.  SHORT WEEK AHEAD: We have a short week coming up! As a result, there will be no math homework or purple reading slip coming home next week. Continue to spend time enjoying books over break, but no formal homework will be collected. We have full days Monday and Tuesday, and no school Wednesday through Friday. Our current ...
Thank you for sharing your child with me again this week! Each new day with your child's smiling face is a blessing, and I love seeing their passion and joy for learning while exploring God's creation. This week we added ideas to our stories in writing and read accurately, fluently, and with expression in reading! We recognized Veterans Day, learned about this day, and why we remember and honor those who served and those currently serving! Thank you for your service! H OMEWORK: Next week we'll stick with the usual: *Purple Reading Slip and Math homework will be due Monday, New pages will come home on Monday and be due Monday, November 20.   *Keep Practicing Psalm 100 *Blue 1/2 sheet with the new words of the week. Words of the Week: Our words from this set so far: often, such, best, think, family, never, house, wait, same, ask, again, same. Next week's words that we'll be adding in are: begin, goes, together. We will have a test on these 15 words after Thanksgiving....
We have been studying the Lord's Prayer in Bible class this week and it's been such a gift to be  able to talk to the students about prayer and why we pray.  We've also been learning about what the Lord's Prayer means and the what those words mean when we pray them, and how Jesus teaches us to pray. What a blessing and comfort we have in these words from our Lord! We are all so thankful to be at a Christian School where our faith in Jesus grows deeper each day as we learn more about Him through His Word!    Homework: Next week we'll stick with the usual: Purple Reading Slip will come home Monday (due Monday, Nov. 13) Math Homework Page will come home Monday (due Monday, Nov. 13) Blue half sheet with our new words of the week. New Bible Memory: Psalm 100 Please practice this at home or use for your devotions during the month of November. WORDS OF THE WEEK: Our words from this set so far: often, such, best, think, family, never, house wait, same. Next week's words...