
Showing posts from December, 2023

Merry Christmas!

  Merry Christmas 2nd Grade Families! What an amazing week we've had together! We enjoyed the Live Nativity at the Critter Barn, we had a great chapel on Christmas Songs and what they mean by the first graders, and we learned about the Love we have in JESUS!  We also had lots of laughter and fun at our class Christmas Party! Thank you to Brooke Anderson, Bethany Wolters, and Allison Miller for planning some super fun things for our class Christmas party! The boys and girls are so excited to tell you all about all our adventures this week! Look for some pictures at the end of things from this week! Homework: No homework due after break! Library books are due though, and your child was able to check out extra books to have over break. Please make sure all books are returned after break! The kids cleaned out their lockers and their beach towels and maybe some missing sweatshirts and other items may be coming home!  I pray that you will have a blessed time with your family th...
The most wonderful time of the year! It is, isn't it? We continue the hustle and bustle of all the things we need to get done at home and school, and it seems so crazy! We plan and plan and plan! In our Wandering Wisemen devotions this week we learned about God's timing and planning. He planned hundreds of years in advance to make sure the wise men would see Jesus' star and find him. He has planned years in advance for his coming and the perfect timing of his return. We continue to wait with anticipation for His coming again! Homework: Next week no new Homework. We will start up after break. Current*Purple Reading Slip and Math homework will be due Monday, December 18. *Library books are due Monday. Keep working on Luke 2!   Jungle Explorer of the Week: Anthony was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you love park core. Your favorite place is Saginaw, and your f...
This week we kept working our way through our Wandering Wisemen devotional. We learned about about the connections and things God put in place 100's of years before Jesus birth. For example- Daniel was put in charge during captivity and he taught the 'wisemen' at that time about the scriptures and the prophecies about Jesus. These men taught the next generations, on and on until Jesus was born. So the wisemen who came knew the prophecies well and were looking for a sign. We talked about how God is always working to make sure His people know about Him and can learn about Him whether it's through people or his creation. We continue to wait his arrival like the Jewish people and the Wisemen who were looking for his star in the sky!   HOMEWORK: Next week we'll stick with the usual: *Purple Reading Slip and Math homework will be due Monday. New pages will come home on Monday(Dec. 11) and be due Monday, December 18. *Library books are due Monday. *Blue half sheet coming h...