Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas 2nd Grade Families! What an amazing week we've had together! We enjoyed the Live Nativity at the Critter Barn, we had a great chapel on Christmas Songs and what they mean by the first graders, and we learned about the Love we have in JESUS! We also had lots of laughter and fun at our class Christmas Party! Thank you to Brooke Anderson, Bethany Wolters, and Allison Miller for planning some super fun things for our class Christmas party! The boys and girls are so excited to tell you all about all our adventures this week! Look for some pictures at the end of things from this week!
No homework due after break!
Library books are due though, and your child was able to check out extra books to have over break. Please make sure all books are returned after break!
The kids cleaned out their lockers and their beach towels and maybe some missing sweatshirts and other items may be coming home!
Thank you for the ways you've blessed me in 2023--for your love, support, prayers, Christmas gifts, emails, and most of all for entrusting your 2nd grader under my care each day. It's been a great year, and our God is so faithful! I look forward to what God has in store for us all in 2024!
See you NEXT YEAR!
Important Dates:
Jan. 8: Return to school, Bring your Library Books back
Jan. 15: No School-MLK Jr. Day
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