Welcome back everybody! I hope all of you had a wonderful and relaxing break, and that you also had some special moments to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and his amazing gift to us! It feels great to be back learning and growing with your child at school! What a crazy week with the snow days! I hope all of you stayed warm and cozy and enjoyed some fun family time together!

New homework will be sent home on Tuesday, Jan. 16 (because of no school on Jan. 15) and is due back Monday, Jan. 22.
*Psalm 1 was sent home on Monday. Please practice at home.
*New words of the week will be coming home in the Homework Folder on Tuesday.
*Make sure ALL library books come back next week please! We will try to fit library time in on Tuesday.

Our class is leading chapel next week Wednesday, Jan. 17. Chapel is from 8:35-9:05am. We are excited to present our chapel to everyone! The students have been practicing a lot! A note- we have P.J. day on our chapel day- please have your child come in their normal school clothes or clothes they need for our play and then they can change into their pajamas after we are done with chapel.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday we will have off school to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Next week, we will have some conversations and lessons about the active work he completed in our world. We will look at how MLK Jr. brought kindness to the world around him and cared so much about people, rather than judging them based on what they looked like. We will talk about the call we have to love others.

Field Trip:
Our class will be meeting our 5th grade buddies at Van Raalte Farm for some sledding (if there is snow) or time in the woods and games. We will be going on Friday, Jan. 19.


Monday, February 5 (if we have no snow days) will be our 100th day of school! Where has the time gone? We are looking forward to celebrating 100 days of God's faithfulness together! We have lots of fun activities planned, and one of them is dressing like we are 100 years old! (No wheelchairs or walkers though, our classroom just isn't big enough!) Don't feel like you need to go buy things...just get creative with this! We wanted to give you a heads up so you can start raiding your Grandma's closets for some fun ideas!


Another thing we need you to have your child do is count out 100 pieces of their favorite cereal and bring it in a baggie with your child's name on it by Wednesday, January 31. We'll provide the bowls, milk and spoons and we'll be having a hundred's day breakfast together on our special day! Your child might need to eat a little at home too--100 pieces is not as much as you'd think! :)

We'll have some fun themed Wednesdays coming up in January/February to spice up these wintery days. 
These days will be as follows:
January 17-PJ Day
January 24-Sports Day - clothing only -no sporting equipment
January 31-School Spirit Day
February 7- Twins Day (find a friend to match with)

Hearing and Vision Screening
The Allegan County Health Department will be in our school Jan. 22-24 for a Hearing and Vision Screening for preschool through 2nd grade. If your child wears glasses, please be sure he/she has them at school. The testing results will be filed in your child’s file as proof of testing for students that are entering kindergarten. If you prefer to not have your child screened, please stop in the office by Thursday, January 18,2024 to fill out the provided opt-out form that provides documentation of a recent screening elsewhere.

Skating Party

The Parent Board is inviting Pine Ridge and South Side Families to a Skating Party on Tuesday, January 30 from 6-8pm! More information will be coming home. 

Jan. 15: No school MLK Day
Jan. 16: Library books due, Math Homework and Purple Reading slip due 
Jan. 16: Discovery Night at South Side
Jan. 17: Our class leads chapel at 8:35 and pajama day
Jan. 19: Report Cards go live and Field trip to Van Raalte with our 5th grade buddies
Jan. 30: skating party


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