February is flying by! We have had lots of fun learning opportunities this month and it's been a joy to learn together! We have started our Lent devotions and preparing our hearts for the time of Jesus' death and resurrection. We have had some good discussions together and the kids have asked great questions! Their love of learning more about their savior is wonderful!


*Current reading and math slips, and envelopes for our opinion letters are due Feb. 26.

*On Monday, a new reading slip and math page will come home, and they will be due Mar. 4. 

*Blue half slip with our words of the week.

* Keep practicing our Bible Memory Psalm 121


Thanks for helping your child practice their words at home: while, themselves, without, probably, yourself, near, everything, wouldn't, need. Look for a blue half slip with these words: kind, different, myself, coming home in your child's Homework Folder.

Kids Food Basket:

School is collecting for Kids Food Basket and our class is collecting fruit cups. We will be collecting through Mar. 1. Please send in donations yet next week and let's bring in lots of items so we can bless our Holland community!

Reading Blizzard:
The 2nd graders love to celebrate reading! One way that we will do that this year is by having a "READING BLIZZARD" during the school day on Thursday, February 29 . The students will come to school in their pajamas, and they may also bring a pillow, blanket, and a stuffed animal. We will spend a large part of the day reading, hearing stories from a special guest, enjoying pizza together, and doing a variety of other fun reading/blizzard themed things!

Conferences will be coming up at the end of March (March 21 & 25 from 4-8pm). 2nd grade takes a different twist on conferences in the Spring--they are actually STUDENT LED. This means that your son/daughter joins us in conversation, and he/she leads the conference. We work hard at creating a portfolio and collecting work samples, and it is an awesome experience for you to see how your child has taken ownership of his/her learning this year. This means that all 2nd grade conferences are in person. As teachers and parents, we are able to encourage and pour into your child, as well as find ways to challenge him/her for the last quarter of 2nd grade. This is a very important time together, and you'll want to save the date. Look for a link to be coming soon for sign ups!

Swimming Lessons:
South Side and other HC schools will be participating in swimming lessons this year at the Aquatic Center. Our lessons will be during the dates of March 18-28.

Lost and Found

The office is continuing to update our South Side Lost and Found Album as items come into the gray tub in the office. Please check it out to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email Rachel Steen, to claim your item(s), and we will be sure to get it into your child's backpack.

Feb. 26: Math Homework, Reading slip and Library books due, Envelope for Opinion letters due
Feb. 29: Reading Blizzard 
Mar. 14 : Spring Concert 
Mar. 18-28: Swimming Lessons
Mar. 21 and 25: Conferences
Mar. 29- Apr. 7: Spring Break


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