Thank You for a Great Year!

Thank you! I am so thankful for your love and support during this year! Your encouragement has blessed me so much...thank you. Thanks too, for entrusting your children under my care...they have been a joy to teach!

This will be the last blog update for the school year! I might just post some end of the year pictures on the last day! Looking forward to our field trip to the Cappon House and the Settler's House, Windmill Island, and then lunch at Smallenberg Park! Lots of fun with Field Day this week! 
Check out all the pictures of our fun week at the end of the blog!


Tuesday, June 4 will be a special day in 2nd grade. It's MOVING UP DAY! This means that your child will get an opportunity to visit Pine Ridge, meet next year's 3rd grade teacher, and go on a school tour. This has always been a great experience in the past, and it helps settle the nervous butterflies that students may have about the changes to a new building. I'm sure you'll hear lots of great stories about the students' visit!


Mark your calendars! You won't want to miss this! On the last day of school, June 5, we will have a special "goodbye" chapel for the 2nd graders at 10:30. This a beautiful time where we come together as students, teachers and parents and thank God for the gift of South Side and ask His blessing on the 2nd graders as they move on to Pine Ridge! It's a touching and VERY memorable chapel! Try to make it if you can and bring the tissues! We will be outside so take your lawn chairs along! In case of rain we will move inside to the gym. Preschool dismissal at 11:15.

K-2 dismissal will shortly follow this at 11:30.

Summer Tutor List:

If you are interested in having your child tutored this summer please check the link for some who are available to tutor this summer.

list of summer tutors


Please have your child bring a large grocery bag to school on June 4, to take home all the goodies we have in our desks and lockers! We will keep a few things for our last day but most everything will come home on June 4.

Summer Packets:

I have summer packets available for your child to keep up with reading and math skills over the summer. These will be coming home on our last day of school. Lots of fun activities to use over the summer!

If you have any library books at home please send them to school ASAP as it's helpful for the volunteers in the library to have all books back for their end of year work!

End of year Field Trip:

The 2nd graders will be heading to the Cappon House and Settlers House, Windmill Island, and Samallenberg park for lunch on June 3. Please dress for the weather and maybe apply sunscreen if your child burns easily. Your child will need a home lunch as we will be eating at the park.

Lost and Found

The office is continuing to update our South Side Lost and Found Album as items come into the gray tub in the office. Please check it out to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email Rachel Steen, to claim your item(s), and we will be sure to get it into your child’s backpack. All unclaimed items will be brought to Ditto at the end of the school year. 

June 3: End of year Field Trip-need a home lunch
June 4: Moving up Day-heading to Pine Ridge, bring a large grocery bag to school

June 5: Last Day of School and special chapel for 2nd graders


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