Tulip Time '24

We had lots of fun marching together as a class in the Tulip Time parade! Thanks for helping us get your kiddos ready to go...they did a great job! Even with all the rain!!  So much fun to celebrate part or dutch heritage and to celebrate community! The kids did such a fabulous job! Check out pictures at the end of the blog!


Reading slips and math papers are due on Monday May 13.

Our final Math Homework page and final purple Reading slip will be coming home on Monday. They will be due May 20!

Work on our new Bible Memory- Galatians 5:22-26

-If you have extra time around the house some great things to practice are: Writing numbers up to 100 (watch for letter/number reversals!), double digit addition/subtraction problems, names of coins and amounts, and counting piles of spare change!


Field day this year is going to be held on the afternoon of May 28. Please send along water bottles for your children, dress for the weather, slather on sunscreen, and pray for a nice day!


Thursday, June 4 will be a special day in 2nd grade. It's MOVING UP DAY! This means that your child will get an opportunity to visit Pine Ridge, meet next year's 3rd grade teacher, and go on a school tour. This has always been a great experience in the past, and it helps settle the nervous butterflies that students may have about the changes to a new building. I'm sure you'll hear lots of great stories about the students' visit!


Mark your calendars! You won't want to miss this! On the last day of school, June 5, we will have a special "goodbye" chapel for the 2nd graders at 10:25. This a beautiful time where we come together as students, teachers and parents and thank God for the gift of South Side and ask His blessing on the 2nd graders as they move on to Pine Ridge! It's a touching and VERY memorable chapel! Try to make it if you can and bring the tissues! We will be outside so take your lawn chairs along!

Dismissal will shortly follow this at 11:30.

Paw Paw Park Field Trip:

Our class along with the other 2nd grade classes in the district are learning about being a good citizen and how 2nd graders can make a difference by helping their community and being good stewards of God's creation. We will be heading to Paw Paw Park to help remove invasive plant species from the park premises. These species can cause damage and disturb the natural plant species in Michigan. We will be there working for about an hour along with taking a hike. Students will need to wear long pants and have closed toe shoes for the trip. We will be going the morning of May 21.

Shoe Boxes Needed:

All students will need a shoe box for our end of unit project in reading/writing. We will be using the information we put in our information books to show what we learned by making a diorama. If you have not sent your shoe box please send it ASAP!

Monday, May 6 is our last day to checkout for books in the Library. We will still spend time in the Library, but will not have checkout time. All books are due by Monday, May 13.

End of year Field Trip:

The 2nd graders will be heading to the Cappon House and Settlers House, Windmill Island, and a park for lunch on June 3. We will need 3 chaperones for our trip if you are able to join us for the fun! Please sign up below if you can make it!

Thanks for your help!


Community Opportunities
There are some upcoming events that you might be interested in:
These are from other organizations, not directly affiliated with Holland Christian.

May 13: ALL Library books due! Reading slip and Math homework due
May 21: Field Trip to Paw Paw Park
May 28: Field Day
June 3: End of year Field Trip-need a home lunch
June 4: Moving up Day-heading to Pine Ridge

June 5: Last Day of School and special chapel for 2nd graders


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