What a beautiful week it's been. It's amazing to witness the intricate changes in season that our Creative God has designed and puts on display each fall!  We are reminded that despite what's going on in the world around us, God remains constant and He is with us! What a comfort that is!


Homework Folders came home on Monday, Sept. 30 and the work inside is due on Oct. 7. 
*Reminder- 100 minutes for Reading. This can be your child reading on his/her own OR you and your child taking turns.  
Math papers- time each half and see how many correct.  The goal is to get faster at our facts each time.

Keep practicing Psalm 23. It's a beautiful Psalm!

Library books due on Wednesdays!

Jungle  Explorer of the Week:
David was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class! We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like soccer and baseball and your favorite food is tacos! Your favorite place to be is Gun Lake! We love that you want to be a baseball player when you grow up! You are so special to God and to us, David, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!

Book Orders:
Book orders are coming home today! If you would like to order books please place your order by Oct. 18!

Pumpkin Day:

Our class will be having Pumpkin Day on Oct. 29! This is a fun day for the 2nd graders as we have many different activities to learn and do with pumpkins! We could use some volunteers for the afternoon! Sign up below if you can help out!


Important Dates:
Oct. 7:: Math and Reading Homework due
Oct. 9 : Library books due
Oct. 10: Grandparents/Grandfriends Day
Oct. 11: Field Trip to Sassafras Ridge
Oct. 18: Book Orders due
Oct. 23-25: No School- Teacher PD and CEA Convention
Oct. 29: Pumpkin Day 

Holland Christian Schools will be facilitating an event called Parent University: a conversation around Jonathan Haidt's Book: The Anxious Generation

  • Aim: How, collectively, parents can make choices to counter the smartphone culture and guard their hearts.

  • Focus: We will discuss the harmful effects technology has on our children. We will dive into data that demonstrates the psychological damage that can occur to a child immersed in a phone-based childhood. Join us in these conversations and walk away with a clear call-to-action that will make a difference not only in your child's life but their time here at Holland Christian Schools. Please RSVP at this link or the QR Code provided:


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