Give Thanks!

Heaven. God. Stars. Family. Bible. Jesus. Friends. Teachers. A warm house. Sunsets. My grandparents. My dog. My Mom. My Dad. School. The beach. The sun. Snow. Fall. Leaves.  

These are a few of the things that have spilled out of your child's heart as we have been reflecting on having a thankful heart over the last few days in our Gratitude Journals. God is SO good, isn't He?! It is truly a blessing having the opportunity to partner with you each day. Thanks for your love, support, and prayers for our classroom. I am thankful for YOU, for your investment in sending your child to HC each day, and for partnering with me to help your little grow to know and love Jesus. 


Next week we'll stick with the usual:
Purple Reading Slip will come home Monday (due Monday, Dec. 2)
Math Homework Page will come home Monday (due Monday, Dec. 2)

Blue half sheet with our new words of the week.

Bible Memory: Psalm 100

Please practice this at home or use for your devotions during the month of November.

Library books due Wednesdays!

Jungle Explorer:

Kate was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like soccer. We love that you want to be an Vet when you grow up! Your favorite place is Target and your favorite food is tacos. You are so special to God and to us, Kate, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!

Children's Advocacy Center:
The CAC is coming on Dec. 5 to talk with our students about how to be safe with our bodies and strangers. There was a peach colored sheet inyour child's Friday Folder last week explaining more about this.

Book Orders:
A book order flyer is coming home today. Check it out if you would like to order some books for your child. Orders are due by Dec. 4! Thanks! Let me know if it is a gift and I will hold it for you!

Lost & Found

Our Lost and Found is growing! Please check out our South Side Lost & Found Album to see if any of these items belong to your child. Feel free to email email Rachel Steen, to claim your item(s), and we will be sure to get it into your child’s backpack.

Christmas Spirit Week:

We will be having our fun Christmas Spirit week again this year! Check out the fun things to do that last week before break! It will be here before you know it!

  • 12/16 Monday: Christmas headgear (antlers, hats)

  • 12/17 Tuesday: Christmas sweater

  • 12/18 Wednesday: Red/green day

  • 12/19 Thursday: Christmas socks

  • 12/20 Friday: Christmas PJs

Important Dates:
Nov. 25: Homework due-Reading Slip and Math page
Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 5: Children's Advocacy Center
Dec. 6: Christmas Tree Day
Dec. 10: Christmas Around the World Day
Dec. 13: Field Trip to the Critter Barn for the Live Nativity-more information later
Dec. 19: Class Christmas Party
Dec. 21: Start Christmas Break

Had some visitors on the playground today working. The kids thought it was so cool!


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