
Christmas isn't about "hoping" for certain gifts and presents, but about a promised hope in our Savior. Our God always keeps His promises, and He is faithful! What a comfort that is! As a class we are taking time to slow down, and to reflect on God's goodness and faithfulness.  We have started to work through Sing, Move, and Memorize for Luke 2. The kids will learn some sign language and the verses through music. Check out a few pictures at the end of our Christmas Tree day!


Next week we'll stick with the usual:
Purple Reading Slip will come home Monday (due Monday, Dec. 16)
Math Homework Page will come home Monday (due Monday, Dec. 16)

Review your 15 words, we will have a test on them next Thursday Dec. 12.

Bible Memory: Luke 2

Please practice this at home or use for your devotions during the month of December.

Library books due Wednesdays!

Jungle Explorer:

Clint was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you like football. We love that you want to be a Police Officer when you grow up! Your favorite place is Urban Air and your favorite food is pizza. You are so special to God and to us, Clint, and we loved getting to know more about you this week!

Christmas Around the World:
Dec. 10- Christmas Around the World Day- We will read about 5 countries and how they celebrate Christmas and make a craft to go along with the reading to remember each country. We will be in the gym all morning and move in stations. I could use at least one more parent to help out with this day if you are able. Check out the sign up genius to sign up!

Critter Barn Field Trip:
Field Trip to the Critter Barn on Dec. 13 to see the Live Nativity. We will be going after lunch and please dress for the weather!

Class Christmas Party:
Our class Christmas party will be Thursday(Dec. 19) before break. 

Please have your child bring in his/her "boy" or "girl" gift on Thursday, December 19. We ask that each boy come with one wrapped "To: A boy, From: _______" labeled gift, and each girl come with one wrapped "To: A girl, from _______" labeled gift. These will be used as a part of games and activities at the class Christmas party. Please limit the value of these gifts to $3-$5 only. Even though you may be able to find a great deal on a higher priced item for only $3-$5, it helps us avoid some difficulty if the value of each item is actually within the range that is set.. It is not a requirement to participate in the gift exchange part of the party if you would rather not participate.

Lost & Found

Our South Side lost & found items are in a gray tub in the office. If you are missing anything, please stop in and take a peek, or check out our South Side Lost and Found Photo Album before Christmas break, as we will be donating the remaining items.

Christmas Spirit Week:

We will be having our fun Christmas Spirit week again this year! Check out the fun things to do that last week before break! It will be here before you know it!

  • 12/16 Monday: Christmas headgear (antlers, hats)

  • 12/17 Tuesday: Christmas sweater

  • 12/18 Wednesday: Red/green day

  • 12/19 Thursday: Christmas socks

  • 12/20 Friday: Christmas PJs

Mrs. Winningham is an HC teacher who is putting memory verses to music. Some of our elementary classes at South Side have been using these songs already this year. She would like to share her teaching series called Manger (Luke 2) with HC families. Here is a preview video. If you are interested in getting a copy of the lessons to use at home click here.

Important Dates:
Dec. 9: Math Homework and Reading Slip due
Dec. 10: Christmas Around the World Day
Dec. 13: Field Trip to the Critter Barn for the Live Nativity-more
Dec. 19: Class Christmas Party
Dec. 21: Start Christmas Break


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