We had a good trip to Hand2Hand! They really appreciated our donations and said how amazing to have 2nd graders come and help! Way to help support our community!! This is Servant Living! Pictures at the end of the blog.  


Monday a new reading slip and math homework page will come home and be due- March 24. 

*Matthew 28. Please practice this beautiful passage as a family!
*Look for the blue paper in your child's Homework Folder with our sight words!

Jungle Explorer:
Zariah was our special Jungle Explorer of the Week! Thanks for sharing your poster and pictures with our class. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning that you are good at swimming and fishing. We love that you want to be a Doggy Daycare person when you grow up! Your favorite place is Torch Lake and your favorite food is pizza. You are so special to God and to us, Zariah, and we loved getting to know more about you this week. 

March Is Reading Month!

As part of the national celebration of reading month, West Michigan WhiteCaps is providing a free optional Reading Tracker/Ticket Order Form.
  1. Students and/or their grown-ups keep track of reading minutes in March. 
  2. Those who participate are eligible for 2 free tickets to select WhiteCaps home games.
All information regarding this incentive and how to order free tickets is included on the WhiteCaps 2025 Reading Club Form. 

Conferences are coming up at the end of March (March 20 & 25 from 4-8pm). 2nd grade takes a different twist on conferences in the Spring--they are actually STUDENT LED. This means that your son/daughter joins us in conversation, and he/she leads the conference. We work hard at creating a portfolio and collecting work samples, and it is an awesome experience for you to see how your child has taken ownership of his/her learning this year. This means that all 2nd grade conferences are in person. As teachers and parents, we are able to encourage and pour into your child, as well as find ways to challenge him/her for the last quarter of 2nd grade. This is a very important time together, and you'll want to save the date. Make sure to sign up!

Reading Rally Week-  Our South Side Staff is eager to celebrate our growing readers!! To celebrate March is Reading Month, the staff has put together a special week (March 31 - April 3) to promote our growing readers. Here are the details and ways in which you can assist your child for our special days:

  • Monday, March 31 - FAVORITE BOOK DAY: Bring your favorite book to school. The children will be making a book cover of their favorite book and then displaying it on their locker. 

  • Tuesday, April 1 - BEACH DAY - Bring in your beach towel and dress for a day at the beach. Shorts, Short sleeve shirts, and sunglasses or sun hats. (No swimsuits, please.)

  • Wednesday, April 2 - READ A T-SHIRT DAY - Please help your child find a t-shirt that has one or several words on it so that we can read each other's t-shirts. 

  • Thursday, April 3 - COZY DAY - Wear your pajamas and bring a blanket and stuffed animal. 

Thank you for encouraging your child to build his/her reading skills by reading each and every night! This time practicing now will have life-long benefits! Thank you!!

Tulip Time
As signs of spring are appearing, we are looking ahead to Tulip Time! Students at Pine Ridge and South Side (grades 1-4) will be marching with our school. Students have two options of groups to participate in. Please fill out this survey by Wednesday, April 2 and let us know which section your child will be participating in. 

Bake Sale

The first graders at South Side are excited to be hosting a Rainforest Bake Sale. The bake sale will start on Monday March 17th and run each day of the week during the lunch hour. Each baked good will cost .25. All funds raised will be donated to Holland Christian Middle and High schoolers who go on a mission trip to South Africa. We are excited that our money will go towards building God's Kingdom. Start saving your quarters now, send them with your child to school starting March 17, and plan to buy some goodies at the first grade rainforest bake sale! Thank you for your support!

Book Fair 
The Scholastic Book Fair will be coming to South Side during conferences in March. It will be open Thursday, March 20 and Tuesday, March 25 from 4-8pm at South Side. Proceeds from the book fair help provide books for our library. Check out the brochures coming home, and join us at the book fair! 

MUSIC THROUGH THE DECADES on March 21 & 22 @ 7 pm. Tickets on sale now!
Join us for Living Hope Showcase 2025 at the HCHS Auditorium on Friday, March 21, and Saturday, March 22. You won’t want to miss this fun performance of music throughout the years. Tickets are available at https://hcs.ludus.com/200475326 and $1 of every ticket will benefit The Caroline’s Peach Foundation in memoriam of fellow classmate Caroline Kanis. We would love to see you there!

Lost and Found
Our South Side lost & found items are in a gray tub in the office. If you are missing anything, please stop in and take a peek, or check out our South Side Lost and Found Photo Album. Feel free to email Rachel Steen, to claim your item(s), and we will be sure to get it into your child’s backpack.

Mar. 17: Math Homework and Purple Reading slip due
Mar. 19: Library books due
Mar. 17-21: Rainforest Bake Sale
Mar. 20 and 25: Parent Teacher conferences
Apr. 4-11: Spring Break
Apr.  21-25 Create time for Kid Town
Apr. 28-May 2: Kid Town Live in the gym


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