This will be the last blog update for the school year! I might just post some end of the year pictures though! We had a fun time on our field trip to the Cappon House and The Heritage Center at Graafschap CRC. Oh, and Captain Sundae was a fun time too. :) We had a fun time with our 5th grade buddies on Wednesday. So fun to getting to know the 5th graders this year! Check out all the pictures of our fun week at the end of the blog! I am so thankful for your love and support during this year! Your encouragement has blessed me so much...thank you. Thanks too, for entrusting your children under my care...they have been a joy to teach! Summer Packets: I have summer packets available for your child to keep up with reading and math skills over the summer. These will be coming home next week Friday on our last day of school. Lots of fun activities to use over the summer! Art Bags: Your child came home with lots of goodies from Art class this week. Please return the bag that carried all th...