What a great week! We have continued our Holy Week stories and the kids have taken to heart what Jesus has been teaching and preparing disciples for, His death and resurrection. Our meaningful conversations show the love and growth the students have for Jesus! The students are doing a great job in swimming! They are getting to be stronger swimmers each day! Check out the pictures at the end of the blog! Remember parents may come the last 2 days of swimming to watch. Those days will be Mar. 27 and 28! Homework: *Current reading and math pages are due Monday, March 18. No Homework next week. Continue to read and memorize Matthew 28 as we will celebrate Easter over Spring Break. We will start up again after break! Conferences: I am looking forward to a special conference time with you AND your child! Remember, that these conferences are STUDENT LED and your child must come with you. The students have worked hard in preparation for this night! Be sure encoura...