Give Thanks!
Heaven. God. Stars. Family. Bible. Jesus. Friends. Teachers. A warm house. Sunsets. My grandparents. My dog. My Mom. My Dad. School. The beach. The sun. Snow. Fall. Leaves. These are a few of the things that have spilled out of your child's heart as we have been reflecting on having a thankful heart over the last few days in our Gratitude Journals. God is SO good, isn't He?! It is truly a blessing having the opportunity to partner with you each day. Thanks for your love, support, and prayers for our classroom. I am thankful for YOU, for your investment in sending your child to HC each day, and for partnering with me to help your little grow to know and love Jesus. Homework: Next week we'll stick with the usual: Purple Reading Slip will come home Monday (due Monday, Dec. 2) Math Homework Page will come home Monday (due Monday, Dec. 2) Blue half sheet with our new words of the week. Bible Memory: Psalm 100 Please practice this at home or use for your devotions dur...